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Pest-Proofing Your Property (Permanently)

Pest-Proofing Your Property (Permanently)

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The toughest thing when it comes to making upgrades to your home is when you find yourself up against nature. During the autumn and winter months, you could find an influx of household pests. Even during the summer, there can be more flies than you can cope with. This is why, if you are looking for some of the best ways to keep your home bug-proof, here are a few things to bear in mind. 

Sealing Your Doors

If you are looking to keep annoying bugs like flies or wasps out, especially during the summer, you can install fly screens on your doors. If you still experience problems with bugs sneaking into the property, they will be through the sides of the top of the door, which you can fix by sealing the joint where the frame hits the wall, and along the bottom of the frame where it meets the ground. 

Keep the Kitchen Clean

It sounds very simple, but if you really want to keep slugs or else away from the property, you need to make sure that you get into the habit of clearing any food sources. Something as little as breadcrumbs can be enticing to ants and rodents. Getting into the habit of wiping down kitchen surfaces and throwing any eaten food, including pet food, can prevent these visitors. 

Keep an Eye on Your Pets

Cats and dogs can easily be a home for fleas. You need to make sure that you treat your pets with flea treatments, but also make sure that you wash the bedding every couple of weeks. If you see fleas on the furniture or the carpet, there are a variety of flea sprays available that can help. 

Create Strong Smells

If you are frustrated with spiders entering your property, as useful as spiders can be, by eating all of the other bugs, you need to start getting peppermint essential oil spray, or other strong scents like cinnamon or lavender, and this will keep for your arachnids away. During the autumn months, they are venturing indoors to get away from the wintry weather, and as many people are now seeing the drop in temperature, it would be a good idea to have this in your arsenal. 

Store Your Rubbish Properly

A very simple practice, but if you have food waste in the kitchen, you may need to make sure that it is secure. If you find yourself with an influx of bugs, you should be emptying the litter every single night, and items like a compost bin should have a secure lid. 

Encourage Natural Predators

If you want to bug-proof your home, you need to provide an environment for these to thrive. For example, if you’ve got issues in the garden, something like a bat can scare the living daylights out of most people, but because they eat a huge variety of pests such as flies, wasps, and spiders, you need to provide an environment for them to thrive. 

When it comes to getting rid of any insects that your home, there are a variety of methods, and some of these will ensure that you banish your pests permanently.

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