Father Christmas / Santa Footprints – FREE PRINTABLE

The Santa Footprints are on their way!!
With the days till Christmas ticking by faster than we are mentally prepared for, we are madly preparing our Christmas Traditions ready to make the big day as magical as possible for the girls. The tree is up, the personalised letters from Santa have been received (reminding them to bed early on Christmas Eve!) and the Christmas Eve boxes are packed and ready to go! One of my favourite Christmas traditions are the Santa footprints / Father Christmas footprints that are always left in our hallway on Christmas Eve!
During Father Christmas’s travels from the North Pole, he inevitably faces the elements, and snow falls from his big red coat as he makes his way through the house. We don’t have a chimney, so he uses his magic key to enter at the front door, then trudges his way across the hall to our Christmas tree in the lounge, leaving big snowy footprints all the way from the door to the lounge door. I started the Santa Footprints tradition with Erin on her first ever Christmas (even when she was too young to understand) and have continued it ever since. It’s now something that my girls get VERY excited about on Christmas morning. I change the design slightly each year (let’s face it, those boots would wear out pretty quickly travelling around the globe!) with the idea that Erin, and now Neve, will enjoy seeing which new pattern his boots have each year! I love that this is something I can do every year as they grow up, and it really does feel magical! 🙂
Real Mum Reviews FREE Santa Footprints Printable Stencil
A fun Christmas Tradition, Santa footprints / Father Christmas footprints are so easy to do, and this year, I have decided to share my —-> FREE Santa’s Footprint Stencil <—– so that you too can make your own if you wish! It’s hand drawn so don’t expect miracles, but I think the rustic look adds to its authenticity!! Ha ha!! Simply cut out the footprint using my template on thick paper or thin cardboard, then use flour or icing sugar to sprinkle through the design and create your prints. YES, they take a bit of vacuuming up before the rest of your guests arrive, but trust me, it is worth the extra effort for the look on your child’s face!!
Should I use flour or icing sugar for Santa footprints?
You can use either – even talcum powder, but its worth bearing in mind that if you have carpet and not wooden floor, flour is somewhat easier to vaccum up without staining.
Have fun making memories!!!