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Saving Money Throughout 2020

Saving Money Throughout 2020

AD – This is a collaborative post

We’re at the start of a new year and a new decade and many of us are looking for ways to sort our finances out in order to turn a new leaf for the years ahead. Some of us have made our new year’s resolution to implement a budget. Some of us want to clear debt. Some of us want to gather savings in a savings account. Regardless of your target, saving money on your purchases throughout the year will help. Here are a few simple ways to achieve this!

Shop the Sales

Now is prime time to get some great deals in the January sales. If you’re planning on buying something, chances are there’s a retailer out there who’s trying to shift it during this relatively dry shopping season and they’ll be glad to offer a discount to make some money throughout this month. You should also keep an eye out for other key sales, such as the Black Friday sales and Christmas sales. Sure, these may be later in the year, but if you’re considering making a big purchase – perhaps some appliances or tech – then it may be worth waiting those few months to save a significant sum of money. When shopping the sales, however, bear in mind that you’re there to save money. If you buy something you were planning on buying anyway, but with a cheaper price tag attached, you’re saving money. If you end up buying something you didn’t need or particularly want, just because it’s a lower price than usual, you’re not really saving at all. Instead, you’re just spending money on something that you weren’t planning on getting in the first place.

Use Voucher Codes and Coupons

Using vouchers and coupons is a great way to save money no matter what you’re planning on buying. You may have seen extreme couponing on the television – shows focusing on people who keep files of cut out coupons, ready to use in one fell swoop at a store. Sometimes they’ll get huge purchases for minimal price. In some instances, the store ends up owing them money for shopping with them! Of course, when many of us watch this, we determine that it wouldn’t be worth the effort. However, this isn’t the only way to go about finding and using vouchers and coupons in the modern day market to save money! Online voucher codes, like those available at, make saving money so much simpler. You can simply browse through this site, find the retailer you want and see if any of the coupons there are relative to your purchase. If there’s one you want to use, you can simply copy and paste the code to save money at the checkout. You don’t need to worry about storing codes away. Instead, you simply check whether there are the right coupons available whenever it happens to be that you’re shopping and making a purchase.

Sign Up to Mailing Lists

Stores want you on their mailing list. This will allow them to keep in touch with you, reminding you that their brand exists and showing off new products to you in your inbox. As such, many will reward you with a discount code of sorts by signing up. Generally, all you have to do is fill in your name and email address and they’ll send a code straight to your inbox.

Use Student Discount

If you’re a student, make sure to use your student discount. This will often give you a big saving and is as simple as typing a discount code into your purchase when you check out or showing your student card when you buy things from a brick and mortar store.

Use Rewards Cards

Rewards cards can often come hand in hand with a discount. This is a reward for your loyalty to the store or outlet you’re shopping with. If you have a rewards card, you may also build up points that you can use to get money off future purchases, or to receive a discount, free service or free product when you’ve shopped a certain number of times.

Use Price Comparison Sites

Price comparison sites are a saviour. They are generally used for big purchases that will see an ongoing sum coming out of your bank account. Perhaps car insurance, home insurance, contents insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance, or life insurance. You may also use price comparison sites to compare energy tarrifs, such as your gas or electricity. Price comparison sites will draw up all of the different options out there on the market and show you which deal is best to suit your needs and requirements. This is brilliant. It means that you won’t tie yourself into a contract that isn’t all too beneficial for you. You’ll bag the cheapest offer and be content with your deal.

Compare Goods Yourself

There aren’t many price comparison sites out there for standard retail goods, but you can really benefit by doing some research yourself. If you’re buying something, don’t simply type it into a search bar and buy the first thing that comes up. Search engines aren’t automatically ranked by best deals. Retailers make their way up the rankings the more popular they are. However, you can scour the internet for the best option when it comes to deals.

Try Cashback Sites

Now, this isn’t necessarily saving money, but it is making money from a tiny action. Cashback sites will offer you money for using them when you shop online. The model works like this. If you’re going to do any online shopping, start at your cashback site. Companies like Quidco and Top Cashback are some of the biggest and most famous. Type the retailer you want to shop with into their search bar. If they have the retailer on board, click through to shop with them. You’ll then shop with them as usual. The difference between doing this and going directly to the website yourself is that you will get money deposited into your cashback account just for doing this. Cashback sites and retailers have mutually beneficial agreement – the retailer gives the cashback site money for directing you to them and you money for shopping with them. The retailer benefits because you’re more likely to shop with them than a competitor if you can get cashback when you shop with them – everyone wins! The sums of money are often small and may take a while to be released, but you can’t really complain when it’s free money.

These steps are simple to incorporate into your day to day life and will help you to save a whole lot of money throughout the year. So, do your utmost to implement them into your way of life! Saving is extremely important, because it frees up more of your money to be used on the things you want to buy and enjoy purchasing! It can significantly boost your disposable income and achieving this state really isn’t all too difficult or complicated. It just requires you to be a savvy and conscientious shopper!

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