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Shrumann Reindeer Feeder – A New Family Christmas Tradition

Shrumann Reindeer Feeder – A New Family Christmas Tradition

AD – Items gifted for Review & Giveaway 

Do you have your Shurmann Reindeer Feeder at the ready?

The last few months seem to have positively flown by, and although 2020 has certainly been with its challenges; Christmas is now well and truly on its’ way, positive news is coming back from science and it finally feels like there’s a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Like many parents across the UK (and indeed the globe at the moment!) I am determined to make Christmas feel as magical as possible this year. Our kids have been through so much and made so many sacrifices over the last 12 months that they really deserve a Christmas that feels special. Whilst Christmas won’t quite be the same this year, with grottos and Christmas parties most likely off the agenda, there are lots of ways that we can still make it memorable – fully embracing traditions and family time and making special memories with our children whilst they are still young.

If you haven’t heart of Shrumann the Reindeer Feeder yet, then chances are you soon will.

Move over Elf on the Shelf and your personalised plate you leave out with a carrot for Rudolph – there is a new Christmas tradition in town! This one involves a small yet perfectly formed tiny human called a Shrumann who have two VERY important roles on Christmas Eve! Here’s what you need to know.

Shrumann the Reindeer Feeder Christmas Tradition

What are Reindeer Feeders / Shrumanns and how do they work?

This Christmas, Santa is looking for good homes for his Shrumanns and desperately needs us parents to help!

Every Reindeer Feeder Shrumann (a tiny little human from the North pole) has two extremely important jobs on Christmas Eve – firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the Shrumanns give Santa the all clear and confirm that everyone is fast asleep so he can pop down the chimney, or use his magic key to enter the house and deliver the presents.

With children so desperate to see him in the flesh year, his job in 2020 is really pretty crucial; as Santa cant afford to find peeping eyes or tip toeing children disturbing him mid drop!

Shrumann the Reindeer Feeder Christmas Tradition

Next, whilst Santa is busy popping presents under the tree, the Shrumanns pop up the chimney (or magically make their way up on to the roof) and feed the reindeer, making sure they all get their fair share of carrots to provide enough energy for the rest of their magical journey. Its important to note here that the COVID-19 travel restrictions and quarantine rules thankfully don’t impact on Santa (he is magic after all) but after spending so much time at home, the reindeer are going to need all the energy they can get!

What does the Shrumann Reindeer Feeder do on Christmas Eve?

Once you have welcomed your Shurmann Reindeer Feeder to your home, simply place your Reindeer Feeder on the mantel piece or window sill and on Christmas Eve pop some carrots into the sack so he is armed and ready to complete their work when Santa arrives.


You can even let Santa know you have a Shrumann on hand by attaching the reusable decal on to your window, clearly showing your have a reindeer feeder at home (obviously you would have it facing outwards – but I have mocked it up below!)

The Reindeer Feeder window decal

Each Shrumann even comes with an official feeding license where children can give their Shrumann a special name for their family and so Santa knows they are officially North Pole approved.

Shrumann feeding license

To help reinforce the story behind this new family Christmas tradition, each Reindeer Feeder comes with a book – the story of Erik – a young Shrumann who comes to learn just how important the Reindeer Feeders are at Christmas.

I’m really looking forward to introducing the girls to our Shrumann, and I think this is a really cute way to bring a bit of magic back in this Christmas!

To learn more about Reindeer Feeders and get your own visit their website at Reindeer Feeders are available to buy at Amazon now for £19.99.

It’s time these hard working magical Reindeer Feeders got the recognition they deserved!

Want to win a Reindeer Feeder for your family?

Thanks to the team at we have one Shrumann Reindeer Feeder to giveaway to one lucky reader! To enter, simply use the gleam app below – giveaway closes on Sunday 22nd November 2020. UK entries only. Our standard giveaway terms and conditions apply. GOOD LUCK!

Shrumann Reindeer Feeder Christmas Tradition Giveaway

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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