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Simple Bedroom Upgrades For Extra Comfort

Simple Bedroom Upgrades For Extra Comfort

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Your bedroom should be your most comfortable room in the house. You spend the majority of your time there and it is where you go to rest and reset. The obvious comforts are soft bedding and pillows. However, there are other features that you could upgrade your bedroom with for ultimate comfort. Here’s more:

A new mattress

Your mattress will dictate how well you sleep. If you find your mattress uncomfortable, then you will likely have a tough time getting to sleep and staying asleep. Thus, upgrading your mattress to something like a Dunlopillo mattress will help you get the best sleep possible.

The more comfortable you feel, the better you will sleep. Extra comfort can be found in harder or softer mattresses, depending on your preferences. 

When you find the perfect mattress, you will discover a newfound comfort in your bedroom and get better rest. 

Mood lighting

Swap out your ceiling lights for something more relaxing. Bright lights are great if you need to find something or want to stay awake. However, they are comforting nor relaxing. 

Thus, swapping your bright lights with mood lights can help set the tone and help you relax and feel as comfortable as possible. 

A rock salt lamp next to your bed is a great way to feel calm and relax before bedtime. They are designed to calm the mind and the body to aid a restful night’s sleep. 

Slippers next to the bed

Getting out of bed with bare feet come sometimes feel uncomfortable, especially if it is cold and you have wooden floors. 

Simply adding your slippers next to your bed to be able to slip into them when you get up for the day will be comforting and warm. 

Add a rug

Speaking of hopping out of bed and being greeted with extra comfort, adding a rug can help too. If you don’t like slippers or don’t always wish to wear them, a rug next to your bed will ensure to keep your feet warm. 

A softer rug will ensure to maintain heat, which will be comforting when you step out of your bed each morning. 

A soft seating area

You might not always want to head straight to bed when you go to your bedroom. You may want to sit and chat with your partner or read. Thus, a soft seating area will give you more purpose and reason to use your bedroom and find comfort in it. 

You could add a beanbag to feel comfortable and warm when you sit in your bedroom. Adding mood lighting here means that you can spend as much time there as possible in the evenings and not be distracted by bright lights. 

Or, you could add a small sofa if you have the room in a corner or at the end of the bed. A dedicated soft and cosy seating area will add more texture and dimension to the room and fill the empty space, which can instantly make a room more inviting and comforting.


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