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Staging your home to sell

Staging your home to sell

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With the recent removal of stamp duty in 2020 for houses under £500,000, many families across the UK are putting their houses on the market and attempting to navigate their way to a new family home whilst taking advantage of the cost savings. The trouble is, with many of us having spent the last 6 months at home during lockdown, our homes might not be looking their best! Our dining room has become a make shift office, there are kids toys and worksheet print outs absolutely everywhere; and the washing pile seems to have taken over the entire spare room. Attempting to keep the house looking presentable is quite the challenge!

Here are my tips on how to stage your home for viewings, highlighting the best features of your home and giving you the best chance of a decent offer!

Remove the clutter

When you’re having viewings it is really important to show off the best features of your home. Whether it’s an oak solid wood floor or the original vintage hallway tiles, make sure the eye is drawn to them and not distracted by clutter or mess. Tidy the hallway, stash all the shoes away and show how you are using storage to make the most of the available space.

Clean Clean Clean

Clean like you have never cleaned before. Make sure the floors are clean, free from dust and hair. Clean the bathroom from top to bottom (you’d be amazed the number of people who lift up the loo seat) and ensure the kitchen surfaces are clean and tidy and free from mould or stains.

Freshen up the walls

Paint can darken and dull over time, and it can really change the overall look and feel of a room. It’s amazing what a fresh lick of paint can do and it doesn’t have to cost much either. Opt for scrubbable paint that can be wiped down in the event of any knocks or spills.

Consider your colour scheme

You may ADORE your dark red boudoir bedroom and your bright green home office, but the reality is, those colour schemes won’t suit everyone. Consider repainting key rooms in more neutral colours that allow your potential buyers to visualise it the way they would want to have it. Whilst pastels and magnolia may not be your taste; your taste is no longer whats important here.

Make the illusion of space

You want your rooms to appear as light and airy and create the illusion of additional space. Consider rearranging the furniture and make use of mirrors to reflect the light. Leave doors open wide and pull back curtains and windows to allow as much daylight in as possible.

Embrace the Scents

Don’t underestimate the power of smell. The people viewing your house will breathe in the scents of your home from the second they walk through the front door. Make it a good one! From freshly baked breads to a subtle cotton scent candle; it’s really important that you banish any non pleasant odours, remove pets from the home and have it smelling fresh and clean when guests arrive. Whilst you not be able to smell your dog, trust me other people will; particularly if they are not fans of pets!

Kerb Appeal

Walking up the drive to your property will form some of the visitors first impressions of your home and kerb appeal is just as important as what’s on the inside. Your home may be immaculate and presentable inside, but don’t forget to step back and look at it from the road. Remove the weeds on the front lawn, freshen up the long dead hanging baskets and make sure windows are clean and paint work is tidy. It’s all part of the overall package!!

Pack up the Loft

The reality is that homes with children generally have a lot of stuff – consider popping some of the bulkier items out of the way in the loft or attic when you have viewings. Too many toys and items can distract people from the look and feel of your home.

Set the scene

In reality your dining room may be used for a home office, a place to fold your washing or a craft table for kids activities, however you want to show what it COULD be used for. Set the table as if someones coming for dinner, nothing fancy, just some basic lunchtime place mats and perhaps a bunch of flowers in the middle so that people can imagine their own family sitting there chatting together. Avoid laying a scene from a royal banquet. No one likes a try hard! 🙂

Embrace your Garden Space

If your home is a family home; showcase your garden and it’s benefits. Having some toys out or something that shows just how FUN your home can be can be really inviting; and a large garden can be a real selling point. Again, mow the lawn, make sure the boundaries are neat and tidy and clean out any weeds or overgrown areas. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but people need to see the blank canvas!

Overall, selling your home whilst still living in it 24/7 can be tough, but with a little extra effort; you can really improve your chances and even increase the value of offers you receive. Good Luck!!


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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