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Stress Management Tips for Working Moms

Stress Management Tips for Working Moms

*This is a collaborative post

A Manchester University survey revealed that 40% of working moms are 18% more stressed than other people, reiterating the prevalence of the situation. What’s more, stress significantly impacts your physical and mental wellbeing. For instance, it can cause upset stomach, headaches, chest pain, rapid heartbeats, and frequent infections. It can also trigger moodiness, depression, low self-esteem, and isolation. Your cognitive health isn’t exempt, as it also induces forgetfulness, poor judgment, and pessimism. 

Perhaps, you’re experiencing tremendous stress balancing motherly duties and work responsibilities. In that case, it’s imperative to find suitable relaxation methods to prevent total breakdown. Fortunately, you can successfully regain yourself for maximum productivity once you know the proper steps to take. That said, here are some ways to manage your stress.

Aim for organisation 

It’s imperative to stay organised as a working mom for maximum efficiency. Not only does it mitigate stress, but it also helps you sleep better at night. What’s more, it helps you balance your home and work responsibilities, leading to increased productivity. Besides, proper organisation skills will prevent you from giving up your career for motherhood and vice versa. Perhaps, you find it challenging to maintain organisation consistently. In that case, it’s prudent to develop a working routine to help you out. 

For example, you can plan your day the night before to prioritise varied tasks to be done. You may leverage mobile planning apps to simplify the process. You may also arrange your weekly dinner preparations during the weekend to avoid making meals from scratch after work. It’s also prudent to delegate house chores to your partner and kids or hire help if it’s more suitable. Experts also suggest that you sit for some time doing nothing, as it helps relax your brain and boost productivity. Furthermore, you can leverage an organisation schedule to help plan your family’s activities and responsibilities for the best results. 

Have time to yourself 

Motherhood can come with sacrifices, even more, when you’re a working mom. Sometimes, you may withdraw from activities you enjoy to attend to your home and career. While you might feel guilty about having time to yourself, it’s not a bad thing to desire. Research proves that getting quality alone time can build your mental health while increasing your happiness and satisfaction. Besides, you can increase your productivity and creativity levels while getting to know yourself. Therefore, you may want to spend some quality time alone to reduce and manage stress. 

While it might seem almost impossible with all responsibilities, you can find a way to make it happen. For example, you can schedule at least one hour daily or weekly for yourself; that way, you’ll be deliberate about it instead of leaving it to chance. During these periods, you can read a book or practise the hobbies that you love. Your children’s bedtime is also a perfect moment to bond with yourself, so you may leverage this opportunity. It’s also prudent to rise early to take advantage of the peace before the day starts. By all means, solicit the care of a babysitter, family or trusted friends to accommodate your kids while you relax your mind. 

Practice self-care

You need to be in complete health to function as a working mom, making it imperative to practise self-care. Not only does it prevent chronic stress from affecting you, but it also relaxes your body and boosts your overall productivity. Besides, it makes you value yourself while boosting your self-esteem and confidence. What’s more, it makes you a better mom, as you increase your happiness levels and reduce your burnout risks. Therefore, you may want to develop a feasible self-care routine to enhance your wellbeing. Fortunately, there are various ways to give yourself the needed TLC, and you only need to pick what works well for you. 

For example, you may pamper yourself by relaxing in a nice hot bath or plan a spa day in your schedule to ease the stress. Besides, you can also prioritise a pleasant time with your girlfriends, but be sure to click here for beautiful outfits to stand out. Perhaps, you can treat yourself to a comedy show to trigger your laughter and dance along to your favourite music without any care in the world. By all means, treat yourself to a nice hairdo, and experiment with a new makeup routine to enhance your looks. While self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complex, you need to be intentional about treating yourself right. 

Prioritise your health 

Other aspects of your life might suffer if you’re not in optimum health, making it crucial to prioritise it. For instance, poor health can cause you to be less productive at work and home and increase your stress levels. However, good health offers you independence and increased energy while boosting your self-worth. Research shows that people who prioritise their wellbeing are more likely to prevent physical and mental diseases than those who don’t. Therefore, you may want to adopt practices that ensure your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. 

It’s best to take one step simultaneously, as rushing all at one may not yield tangible results. Therefore, you can swap junk foods for healthier options like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. You can also adopt an exciting workout routine that keeps you motivated as you stay in shape. By all means, get at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep for maximum relaxation and stay hydrated throughout the day. It’s also best to practise yoga and meditation to keep your mental health checked and practice gratitude to trigger happy emotions. It’s prudent to set attainable health goals for the best results and create a habit out of them. 

Connect with your family 

Your family is an excellent stress reliever, making it essential to leverage. A Carnegie Mellon University survey revealed that people turn to their family members to reduce their stress levels. Fortunately, you can connect with your partner in various ways, some of which include family game nights, staycation and picnics. 

You can manage stress and increase your productivity once you take the proper steps. Hopefully, you’ll adopt these tips to balance your motherly and career duties with ease. 


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