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Supporting Elderly Relatives During Lockdown

Supporting Elderly Relatives During Lockdown

*This is a collaborative post

The Winter of 2020 / 21 has been on hard on all of us, but particularly our elderly, critically vulnerable or at risk generations, many of whom live alone without the company and support of friends and family. Whilst we aren’t able to be physically together at the moment; there are ways you can help look after your elderly neighbours and relatives, or simply support others in your local community.

Here are some tips for supporting elderly relatives during lockdown.

Stay in touch

One of the hardest parts of the global pandemic for the elderly is that it can be incredibly isolating, leaving many elderly people feeling lonely and alone. The lack of human contact; even just the friendly smiles at the supermarkets or whilst picking up their prescriptions can be really painful to endure. A knock on the door and a chat (from a distance) or a face time call can make the world of difference, and help serve as a reminder that they aren’t alone despite physically being separated from the ones they love.

Do their food shopping or arrange for online deliveries

Even if they aren’t on the shielded list, it isn’t advisable for old or vulnerable residents to be venturing out to the shops more often than they need to. Whilst it may take some convincing (particularly if my stubborn and independent 87 year old neighbour is anything to go by), you can help by offering to pick up groceries on their behalf, or even better, arrange for them to be delivered directly to their home. Whilst they may enjoy the freedom of being able to pop out to the supermarket, there are obviously safer ways for them to get out and about which don’t involve mixing with a large number of other people.

Ensure that their contact details are up to date

This one may sound a little random, but with many of the four most vulnerable age categories being called up for the COVID vaccination programme, it is crucial that their contact details are accurate with their GP or medical team – so that they don’t miss any communications regarding their appointment. Ask them to check that their Doctor has their latest telephone number and address and encourage them to look out for any communications through the post. It is also worth highlighting that no contact regarding COVID would ask for bank details or passwords – as sadly a lot of fake scams have been doing the rounds with scammers taking advantage of people’s desperation at this time.

Consider in home care services

If someone is becoming unable to cope on their own at home, you may want to look into in home care services who can help with particular tasks including getting them up and out of bed, showered or supporting mealtimes. Whilst these services come at a cost, they are an ideal option for someone who lives alone and keen to maintain their independence.

Offer to walk their pets

If they aren’t feeling up to it, or are having to isolate or shield due to a medical condition, you can offer to walk or exercise their pets, as well as helping groom them when the owner is unable to do so. During the months of lockdown where they are unable to get to the groomers, gifting them some deshedding tools can help keep their fur neat and tidy without requiring too much effort from their owners.

Check on them regularly – particularly in the Winter months

This goes without saying, but if you haven’t heard for them for a while – check in and make sure their ok. In the Winter months its also important to make sure they are looking after themselves properly, have the central heating on and are claiming any allowances and financial support that they are able to do so.

Help them understand the facts

With the huge quantity of breaking news updates and alerts we are receiving every day the information overload can be all to overwhelming. Help them understand the facts and break down the fake news from the reality. Suggest that they access more official news sources to avoid being scare-mongered or influenced by unreliable sources.

It’s been a long and lonely journey for many of our elderly residents over the last 12 months, but hopefully given the huge success of the vaccination programme, there could finally be some light at the end of the tunnel!


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