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Sustainable Lifestyle Tips To Transform Your Family’s Environmental Impact

Sustainable Lifestyle Tips To Transform Your Family’s Environmental Impact

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Most families these days want to be more sustainable. They realize that if they want their kids to grow up in a beautiful world, they need to start making changes now.

But what can the average family actually do to make a difference? Well, it turns out, quite a lot actually. It’s not about simple living necessarily: it’s about making smart choices that make a difference in the long-run. Here’s what you need to do:

Use Travel Mugs

First thing’s first: you need to reduce your family’s consumption of environmentally harmful water bottles. The best way to do this is to invest in travel mugs and bottles for the entire family. Usually, these are made of metal, though you can get silicone or ceramic versions instead. Bring these with you in the car and on family outings so that you don’t have to rely on disposable bottles and cans wherever you go. 

Start Growing Your Own Food

Growing your own food is a great way to improve the quality of your diet and save energy at the same time. Having an allotment or vegetable patch lets you grow organic food locally, negating the need to transport food all around the planet. Teach your children about the value of food and how growing it locally is better than importing it from overseas.

Join A Solar Project

Installing your own solar panels is expensive and it takes many years to recoup the money. But, as explains, joining a solar project is different. Here you don’t have to pay any of the installation costs yourself. Instead, you simply join a public scheme and pay only for the energy that you need. The electricity you receive is generated by massive solar farms out of town. These projects not only get your family off fossil fuels, but they are also usually cheaper than conventional alternatives. 

Collect Rainwater

Did you know that transporting water from reservoirs to your home puts tremendous pressure on the environment? That’s because it takes a vast amount of energy to pump the water to your home. Furthermore, overuse of water in some areas is leading to reservoir depletion. 

Rainwater collection systems are all the rage right now and provide you with free water you can use for all non-drinking and non-cooking purposes. For instance, many people collect rainwater to flush their toilets, according to Others use it for their laundry. Rainwater is usually clean and fresh, making it a great addition to your home.

Get Serious About Your Recycling

Find out which recycling options are offered in your local area and then get serious about your waste. If you can, install multiple bins for different types of recycling in your home and train your kids to observe the recycling rules. Teach your children about recycling symbols and where they need to put items whenever they do the trash. 

Purchase Sustainable Clothing

Lastly, avoid clothes made of polyester. Instead, look for sustainable clothing options that will break down in the ground naturally over time, such as cotton. 


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