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Tappity App – Kids Science App

Tappity App – Kids Science App

AD – This post is in collaboration with Tappity 

This year has been quite the journey for our children; with huge changes to their social life, education and methods of learning!

Whilst I am by NO means a teacher (and have found staying calm and patient during home schooling incredibly challenging!) I have spent many years of my adult life recruiting into STEM subjects and as such, I’ve always been really passionate about teaching Erin she can be whatever she wants to be when she grows up. I love seeing her getting enthusiastic about subjects that may have traditionally been seen as male career paths and helping ignite an interest in the world around us and how things work. Luckily for me, Erin has shown real interest in Science and Technology too; particularly in relation to plants, the environment and human biology.

As home schooling has played such a heavy part of our lives in 2020, we have tested out a fair few educational apps and learning resources over the last 6 months, but whilst the majority have been focused on reading, literacy and mathematics, I was yet to find a stand alone kids science app pr educational science app – until now!

When I was approached about reviewing Tappity – the number one kids science app for children aged 4-10, it was one element of home schooling that I was (dare I say it) actually looking forward to!

What is the Tappity?

Tappity is a leading kids science app for children aged 4-10 with over 100+ topics covered including:

  • Human Body
  • Weather
  • Earth
  • Animals
  • Space

The Tappity educational science app available to download for FREE on the Apple store and provides the first 30 lessons completely free of charge, allowing parents and children to get a feel for the app and its approach, before opting to pay for a full membership. You can customise the difficulty of the content by entering your child’s age during the initial sign up.

If you love Tappity (which to be honest it’s pretty hard not to) you can then proceed to a full subscription to their science app for kids, which allows you to unlock and access all content; including the new lessons that are released weekly as well as the Tappity live shows. .

The subscriptions are available as monthly membership for £14.49 a month, a 3 month membership for £24.49, Annual Memberships for £72.99 or a full lifetime membership which of course works out at the best value for £149.99. Sign up using my special referral link HERE – and you can get a HUGE 33% off the annual membership!

Our Tappity Kids Science App Experience

We checked out the Tappity app with Erin who turned 7 in June. To date, we have found home schooling very challenging; particularly whilst I have attempted to work from home at the same time. Erin also has a tendency to get distracted very easily, losing focus or become disengaged with the lessons quite quickly, meaning that short, sharp sessions tend to work best.

Our Tappity experience however was really positive. The Tappity science app for kids is HILARIOUSLY funny, and from the very first lesson where Erin met Hayley, she was pretty much hooked.

The Tappity app offers fully engaged, interactive sessions with Scientist Hayley who is fun, friendly and really enthusiastic; referring to the students as Tappernauts! She really made both of us laugh, and as such Erin really listened to what she was saying. It very quickly became clear that Erin was really learning new things – not only remembering and recalling information, but wanting to continue learning too. Tappity feels like a game or video rather than a traditional lesson, and for someone like Erin – this worked really really well.

Tappity gives children full control over the topics they cover, so none of it feels forced at all – they can choose which area of science they want to cover next, and navigate the way through the lessons themselves, without needing parent interaction or support – this is super helpful if you have a child at home whilst you are attempting to work yourself.

Tappity kids science app

Erin loved the lessons relating to the human body and space in particular, and really enjoyed it when Hayley showcased real scientific experiments where Erin was asked to instruct on what step to follow next.

The lessons are really interactive with things to touch and move on screen; and each session ends with a short but fun test to reflect upon what they’ve learned via a mini challenges / multiple choice quiz. Erin had to physically drag her answers around on screen to select the right choice and got instant feedback from Hayley on her choice.

Each session is also recorded in the child’s own learning journal, with a fun themed photo to snap at the end to record it’s completion. The Journal is a really nice addition to Tappity, as it allows the child (or their parent) to look back at the content that’s been covered and what they have learned.

Parent Updates 

Tappity doesn’t just help the children to learn about science, but also helps us parents to help our kids too.

Whenever Erin has been watching and engaging with the lessons on the Tappity app, I receive an email to tell me what your child has covered as well as some really handy discussion prompts to encourage further conversations and enhance their learning.

Some of the photos snapped at the end of the sessions have really made me laugh out loud!

What we love about Tappity is that there are absolutely no ads anywhere, so you don’t have to worry about them clicking through on to anything or swapping to another app half way through the lesson.

There are no in app purchases to worry about and no personal information is taken about your child. The app can even be accessed offline, making it ideal for car journeys or when are waiting for appointments!

Tappity releases new content every single week and hosts multiple weekly live sessions too which you can sign up to should you want to plan Tappity around school or work commitments.

What we LOVED about Tappity

Hayley is an absolutely amazing host, and it’s so great to see a female role model for the mini Tapponauts completing the lessons. She is so enthusiastic and funny that it is really very hard not to enjoy the lessons, even as an adult! She really made Erin laugh out loud regularly, and as such, really held her attention – and trust me when I say we have done our fair share of online lessons where Erin has got bored very quickly or got very quickly distracted.

The lessons are super interactive, and I have really enjoyed listening to Erin chatting to her Dad about what she’d learned at the end of the day. The lessons have really opened up some interesting conversations in a non forced or traditional way, and we’ve even been able to reinforce how at the moment some of the UK’s best scientists are working on a vaccine for coronavirus, so that we can hopefully ditch the masks and go back to some kind of normality soon.

Tappity kids science app

I feel that Tappity has really sparked Erin’s interest and it’s been lovely to see that sparkle of excitement in her eyes when she repeats information about the number of bones in the human body or some facts about nature that even we as adults didn’t know!

I really hope that Tappity opens up some long term passion and interest in science and would recommend to anyone who’s child has an interest that you may want to build upon in this area.

Tappity kids science app

To learn more about Tappity science app for kids – please visit or download the app on the App Store here.


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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