The 4 Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

*This is a collaborative post
Tripping over and hurting yourself is undoubtedly something we’ve all done at some point. But when that slip or trip lands you in the emergency room, it’s no longer a minor inconvenience or just a regular accident. When you end up with broken bones, neck or spinal injuries and your ability to work and support your family comes into question, that’s when you need to consider legal action.
A good slip and fall accident lawyer will be able to tell you whether or not your claim should be pursued. However, if you’ve been hurt due to the negligible actions of someone else, then chances are your personal injury claim is a valid one. Read on for the 4 most common causes of slip and fall accidents.
Weather conditions
I know what you’re thinking: no one can control the weather. But despite the unpredictability of the weather, if you slipped and fell within a public place or building, then the responsibility would still lie with the building or business owner. Property owners etc, have a duty of care to ensure that their buildings are safe and that includes ensuring walkways are clear of snow, ice and debris from high winds and ensure that they are slip-free. If they haven’t adhered to their legal responsibilities and someone hurts themselves, then they could be liable.
Wet or dangerous surfaces
Slipping or tripping on an uneven or wet surface is probably the most common cause of falls. If a property or a public place isn’t keeping on top of maintenance or isn’t proactive in preventing hazards then they could be held responsible.
Wet or dangerous surfaces include:
- Torn or ripped carpet
- Uneven floorboards
- Broken or uneven pavements
- Recently mopped floors (with no hazard warning)
- Potholes
- Trip hazards e.g. clutter/wires/cleaning equipment
- Loose mats and flooring
Bad footwear choices
Believe it or not, it’s not just those who opt for high heels who are most at risk from slips and falls. But people who don’t wear the right footwear for the right conditions are in danger of sustaining an injury. From inappropriate work shoes to trainers and shoes that don’t provide enough grip. Employers should be enforcing safety equipment and uniform for all employees who are at risk.
Unsafe stairs
Again, any building you enter should have safe and secure facilities so visitors and members of the public can move around safely and without hurting themselves. Ladders and stairs should be safe to use; however, they are one of the top reasons people trip and fall.
- The absence of handrails
- Worn or damaged steps
- Debris, clutter or hazards on the stairs
- Being provided with a broken ladder
- Not having the ladder secured correctly
Seek legal advice
If you’ve been involved in an accident, experienced a slip, trip or fall and it wasn’t your fault, it’s natural to feel angry, frustrated and upset at what has happened to you. However, it’s important that you seek legal advice with regard to making a personal injury claim. Reach out to your attorney as soon as possible.