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The Gift of Time for your Valentine

The Gift of Time for your Valentine

#AD – This is a collaborative post

As we draw to the end of another year, I always start thinking about the year ahead and what 2020 will bring for my family and I. The first page of a brand new diary as the cliché goes. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2020 – from weddings (not mine before you all get excited) to holidays and family gatherings galore, and I have already set myself some goals and challenges for the year ahead. I always set new years’ resolutions (as much as most people hate them) and I find them really helpful – some goals, objectives and areas of my life on which to focus, and in 2020, I seem to have set more than EVER.

A lot of my 2020 New Years Resolutions centre around time – 2019 seemed to pass by in a complete and utter blur of work, childcare, school life and sleepless nights and this year I’d love to be able to stop and actually enjoy some of it instead! I need to get more organised, more focused and essentially get my life a bit more in order so that I don’t always feel like I am on a rapid hamster wheel of life. It’s no easy feat!

Come Valentine’s Day I always try and treat Mike to the perfect romantic gift, but this year, I want to give Mike the gift of time. Whilst I am sure he would love to unwrap a brand new Hublot watch during breakfast in bed on the 14th February (lets face it,  who wouldn’t want to unwrap a classic timepiece from someone they love), my budget doesn’t quite stretch to a new one! (That said, if any of you are looking to buy a watch for your partner this Valentine’s, chronoexpert is a great place to start. A global marketplace for luxury watches, Chrono expert sell a wide range of new and pre-owned watches, including vintage, rare and limited edition pieces, all with guaranteed authenticity).

But no, romantic gifts aside, in 2020, one of my many resolutions is to actually give him my TIME. As busy working parents with two young children, all trying to juggle home and work life, spending time together often comes bottom of the list. It’s important to remember that before the girls came along there was us – just me and him, and spending time together and actually talking was one of our favourite things to do. I want to do more date nights, more child free day trips, more trips to the cinema and more walks through the park without having to constantly run after two hazard attracting children. I am lucky that we have some fantastic friends and family that are always willing to help us out.

2020 is my year to get organised, to plan ahead, and to ensure that I make time for us, for me, and step away from the screen time, switch off the tech and start living in the moment. I’d love to hear your hints and tips on how to create more hours in the day, or becoming super productive and efficient to make the most of every day. As after all, TIME really is the most valuable gift of all 🙂

Lucy xxx



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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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