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The things I never thought I’d miss about the office…

The things I never thought I’d miss about the office…

After 18 weeks of working from home (something I have always done occasionally and am a big fan of) I have to admit that there are a few things I miss about my previous work environment that I never thought I would. Whilst I wouldn’t be choosing to rush back any time soon, here are the things I miss about working in the office. Can you relate?

  1. Passive Agressive post-it notes (That is MYYYYYY SANDWICH!!!!!). Put it this way, no one would’ve dared eaten my last packet of iced gems in the office.
  2. Signing birthday cards for people you’ve never met because you are too embarrassed to ask your colleagues who the person is, possibly because there is a *small* risk that you’ve spoken to them daily, but since forgotten their name.
  3. A laminated sign in the toilets reminding people to leave the toilet clean and tidy up behind them. I’m actually now thinking of installing my own, except this one will say ‘only one person in the bathroom at a time’, or ‘Mummy wants to pee in peace’.
  4. Making polite conversation with strangers in the lift – regularly commenting that I ‘really should be taking the stairs” before chortling to myself. Little do they know that I am normally out of breath by the 2nd floor.
  5. The office ‘tuck shop’ – full of snacks that don’t have to be prised out of the hands of a small child and has a small bunch of grapes that no one ever touches, just to make it appear a little more balanced and healthy!
  6. Putting on my phone voice. After so long working remotely, my phone voice has now reverted back to just my regular voice, and quite frankly, I’m lucky if I manage to accept the incoming work call faster than my child, who after 18 weeks has somehow figured out how to answer it from the iPad (true story).
  7. Making drinks for colleagues who don’t have a meltdown because it’s in the wrong colour cup…. (although that possibly did happen once in 2014).
  8. Working with colleagues who follow a sensible dress code. Never before has one of my colleagues burst into my meeting wearing nothing but a tiara. Sadly, Neve has had other ideas.
  9. Emailing someone who is sat opposite you, or next to you, or lets face it, within 2 metres of you…. looks like that ships sailed.
  10. Saying things like “It doesn’t feel like a Tuesday” or “Gosh I can’t believe it’s Friday tomorrow” – there’s none of that now. Quite frankly because I have literally no idea what day it is, or month. In fact, is it still 2020??
  11. Attending a meeting that doesn’t involve at least two of the following…. “Sorry you cut out there” “Can you say that again??” “I think there’s a delay” or “Can you hear me?!!!”
  12. Not feeling the need to wave when leaving a meeting. Super awkward.
  13. Not having to navigate a path through LEGO brick hazards or discarded worksheets from Twinkl in order to get to your desk in the morning.
  14. Peering through the glass of your meeting room like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura when the person before you has overrun.
  15. People saying “see you later you part timer” when I leave the office at the end of my working week, because now – you NEVER GET TO LEAVE!!!!

How have you found working from home? What do you miss about the office?



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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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