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The Week Junior Subscription for Curious Minds!

The Week Junior Subscription for Curious Minds!

*AD – This post is in collaboration with The Week Junior Subscription

It’s that time of year when for many parents, the panic starts to set in. Its just over 2 weeks until the big day and your Christmas to do list is still as long as ever, you haven’t picked up a single piece of sticky tape and your child has asked for something ridiculously obscure that you already know will be forgotten about within 24 hours of opening. Add in the prospect of long socially distanced queues and parcel delays and Christmas 2020 suddenly feels a whole lot more stressful than usual.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy your children something for Christmas that they could enjoy the whole year round? Something that was plastic free, didn’t involve sitting in front of a computer or tablet screen and actually encouraged learning and conversation? I have JUST the answer and the good news is, it can be quickly and easily ordered from the comfort of your sofa, mince pie or mulled wine in hand – a The Week Junior Subscription. If you’re looking for The Week Junior reviews – read on to learn more!

the week junior review

Introducing The Week Junior Christmas Subscription

A great alternative gift for Christmas, The Week Junior is a weekly magazine subscription recommended for children aged 8-14.

Read by over 90,000 families a week, The Week Junior is a current affairs magazine for curious young minds which covers a wide range of topics including the latest news from across the globe, science, nature and geography in an age appropriate manner, without glossing over the detail, patronising or spoon-feeding.

This engaging, full colour weekly magazine helps children to understand and explore the world around them, breaking down the facts so they are easier to understand. The Week Junior also actively encourages independent reading, helps children develop their own opinions and acts as a prompt for further discussion with friends and family.

Having read a number of positive The Week Junior Subscription reviews online, we decided to subscribe to The Week Junior for my eldest daughter who is 7 and a half.

What’s inside The Week Junior Magazines?

We loved this The Week Junior subscription.

As well as a number of articles and features, each edition of The Week Junior includes Puzzles, ‘Do Something’ (a craft or creative activity), ‘Over to you’ (full of readers reports, stories and photos) and a Big Debate – where children can hear two sides of an argument and weigh up the alternative view points before forming their own opinion.

For those keen to enhance their learning, there are even Book Club pages with inspiration for further reading and a Quiz of the Week so that children can test their recall of what they have read in each edition.

2020 has been at times complex for the best of us; with even adults struggling to get their head around news headlines and breaking news updates, so its great to find a publication that provides context for a child and improves their understanding and acceptance of what’s been taking place in recent times.

We subscribed as a family to The Week Junior at the start of lockdown back in March. My eldest daughter has absolutely loved receiving her copy directly through the post each week, reading about everything that is going on in the world. I’ve really enjoyed chatting about topics she has recalled from the magazine and hearing her ask more questions and discuss what she has learned.

the week junior reviews

The Week Junior Subscription for Christmas

Buying The Week Junior subscription can make a fantastic Christmas gift and the first magazines would start being received in the New Year at the start of January 2021. Once signed up, you can download a The Week Junior e-card to give to the recipient on Christmas Day. Order before 11th December for guaranteed Christmas Delivery and receive Quizzler – a brain-bending puzzle book to gift on Christmas Day.

An initial subscription to The Week Junior costs just £24.99 for 10 issues or for the best value £29.99 for 13 issues. You can check out all the different subscription options on their Official Subscription Site.

The benefits of The Week Junior subscription include:

  • An Eco Friendly gift – The Week Junior send naked issues (with no wrapping or plastic packaging)
  • One less toy – which means you may have a hope in hells chance of seeing your carpet again sometime before the end of 2020.
  • An ongoing monthly benefit – something they can enjoy for an extended period of time.
  • Educational and screen-free fun
  • Encourages children to read regularly for leisure.
  • What child doesn’t love receiving their own post?

Overall if you’re looking for something a bit different this Christmas, The Week Junior is a great place to start. If you have any questions about the magazine from our own personal The Week Junior review experience please ask!

*This post is a collaboration with The Week Junior however as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. We have been subscribers to The Week Junior at my own expense since March 2020 and used existing copies for the purpose of this The Week Junior subscription review.* 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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