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Tips for Getting Back into The Job Market After a Break

Tips for Getting Back into The Job Market After a Break

This is a collaborative post

Several reasons may make you take a break from the workforce. It could be because of maternity/paternity, taking care of a loved one, or other personal issues.

Returning to work can be intimidating – whether you have been out for a short or long time. It is the same as coming out of your comfort zone. It requires a lot of energy, positivity and a proper plan. However, the process can be smooth with adequately laid down preparation.

Here are some tips for returning to the workforce after a long break.

Decide what direction you want to take

Many things happen to you when you are out of the workforce for a long time. Your attitude, preferences, and even capabilities may change during that period. When you return to the workforce, you may not be interested in returning to
your job or field of specialisation. You may have developed an interest in another field. The first step to returning to the workforce is to define the direction you want to take after considering your attitude, interest, and capabilities. Know what you want and take positive steps to get it.

Refresh your resume/CV

When you were leaving the workforce for the break, a lot may have happened, both positive and negative. Starting the new workforce with all that in mind may demoralise you. After defining the direction you want to take, whether in the same or different field, refresh your mind and eliminate all that happened before. Start it with new energy. Make sure your CV adequately shows what you can offer.

Update your skillset

Another tip is to update your skills, especially your areas of weakness or in areas that in the meantime have become high in demand. If you have the time and resources, taking a course in a given field to expand your knowledge is always a very good investment. Today there are many options through online platforms, like EPICODE School for example, that give you flexibility and convenience.

Let your network know you’re coming back

Reach out to your network in case you fill you have a gap in your knowledge. Being on an extended break can at times make you forget some skills. Finding someone within your network will help bring you up to speed. The people could be from your previous working place or place of studies.

Look for advice from people who have done it before

Within your network, people could have successfully gone through the process. If you find difficulties, it is good to contact them for advice. They will explain to you how they managed the process and became successful. You can also apply the same for your case.

Be honest and open

Lastly, it always helps if you are honest in your answers when asked about your time away from the workforce. Do not be fearful of telling the truth and being open with potential employers- aside the fact that there is no shame in hitting the pause button for some time, people in general always appreciate honesty and openness.

Getting back to the workforce after a break can be intimidating. However, having confidence in yourself and keeping a positive mindset is the key to success.

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