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Tips to Feel More Confident

Tips to Feel More Confident

*This is a collaborative post

Being a Mom in this day and age is not an easy task. There are so many influences pulling us one way or the other that to remain focused is extremely difficult. Sometimes it feels as if the word is out to get us, one piece of advice saying one thing, another the exact opposite. Who do you believe, and who do you trust? There is no cut and dried response to a question like that. Not only that, but you have to deal with the pressures of work, the children, home life, and what about a social life? Surely we are all entitled to that. That fact of the matter is there simply is not enough hours in the day to keep on top of everything. So you have to decide who you are and what you want out of life.

Look after yourself

This piece of advice comes in many forms. As a mother, the inclination may be that you think you live only for the children. So you are prepared to leave your own wants and needs until they are grown up and no longer need you. This is not right. If you never concentrate on you, you are likely to burn out, or worse, have some kind of mental breakdown. Obviously, that is a worst-case scenario, but you understand what the implication can be by saying that. Looking after yourself has to be something you make time for. This means you have to take some quiet time. A little bit of the day, which is just for you and your thoughts. A bit of time where you can meditate and allow the stress of everyday life to melt away. Reducing stress can have such a positive effect on your mind and body. When you allow yourself some quiet time, suddenly all those pressures you put on yourself seem so unimportant. Why do you do it to yourself? Ten minutes a day may be all you need to put things in focus. If you discover that some things really aren’t that important at this time, it has worked for you. Think about things you would like, such as a new wardrobe too. Do not always put yourself last.

Diet and exercise

This is a little extra to the looking after yourself segment but is worth having a heading of its own. Stop eating food that is bad for you. Not only does it make you put on weight, but it is terrible for you both mentally and physically too. Swap all those fatty and sugary foods for something healthier, like fruit, or cereal bars. It is up to you, but a proper diet, if you can keep to one, will cause you to feel lighter. And by sticking to healthy eating, you know you have achieved something, and it is a useful model for the kids to follow. Exercise is a great one. Adding a little jogging or brisk walking into your daily routine will flood your body with happy endorphins as exercise is a natural mood enhancer. Not only that, but it destroys cortisol in the body too, which is a stress hormone. And even more importantly, it will help you lose weight and look even better than you do already. So even if you are busy, take a walk to the corner store instead of driving, and you will fit into that sext little black dress in no time.

Spruce up your home

When was the last time you had a good clear out? Be honest, it is only you that is listening. Go around the house with a bin liner and get rid of all the old stuff. Anything that is broken, unused, superseded, throw it all away or give it away. Having a clear out is good for the soul. It allows you to let go of the past and look forward to the future with a clear mind. Also, think about home improvements. Don’t allow your home to be neglected. Treat yourself to something like a new kitchen or bathroom from Victorian Bathrooms 4U. As a hardworking Mom, you need some good things in your life. It is not all about work, work, work. You need a brand new jacuzzi bath to relax in, for example. Perhaps the house could do with a lick of paint to make it brighter and breezier. This will make you feel so much less oppressed. There is so much you could do in the home to enhance your mood. So put some thought into it and come up with a plan of action. A new home, a new, more confident you. You will be able to invite over friends and family than without feeling embarrassed.

Don’t do things you don’t want to

You need to start saying no to people. Do not be a people pleaser as this is not going to make you feel good. It will only destroy you. You will feel overwhelmed by always having to do other people favors, and they will not respect you. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Most importantly, though, you will not respect yourself. You will feel used and taken advantage of, and this will not be good for you or your family. Take control. Say no. The more you feel the power of this word, the more you will feel emboldened to use it. You will gain confidence, your family will be better off as a result, and you will be less stressed and have more time. Don’t spend your life contemplating what other people think about you. Most people spend no time thinking about you. They are all caught up in their own existences, and so should you be. Use all the extra time you have to figure out how to make your life better. Perhaps take the kids out, start a hobby, read a book. This is your life, and it is about time you took control and became the mother, wife, sister, you, you always wanted to be.


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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