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Transform Your Family Bathroom into a Luxury Spa Escape

Transform Your Family Bathroom into a Luxury Spa Escape

*This is a collaborative post 

It’s been a long day and all you want is to recline in a warm bubble bath, possibly with a cool glass of bubbles on the side. You’ve got your kindle all ready and you might even manage a full 30 minutes of peace all to yourself. 

The only problem is your bathroom.

The family bathroom is often a chaotic scene. Rubber ducks have infested every corner of the tub, there’s shower gel dripping down the sink and you’ve got a blocked toilet once again (culprit yet to be caught but heavily suspected to be Mike, who uses at least 30,000 sheets of loo roll for every single toilet visit!). 30 minutes isn’t enough to deal with the state of this room, let alone enjoy a bath!

Transforming a chaotic family bathroom into a luxurious space might sound impossible, but actually, with a few smart tricks, you can wave goodbye to those rubber ducks and restore the peace. 

Here’s what you need to know…

Storage is Everything

While you might not be able to actively ban the rest of your family from the bathroom (much as you may want to), you can reduce their impact on the space. Simple bathroom storage solutions can help you hide your children’s bath toys away and keep all your toiletries in check. Giving everyone their own personalised basket is a good way to make sure that you all have an equal amount of space for your stuff so no one person can dominate. 

Wicker baskets look lovely in a bathroom but you should also consider how easy your baskets will be to clean. While plastic may not be as pretty, it does wipe down more easily and may not be as susceptible to damp. Investing in high-quality baskets is a very good idea as they will probably last longer and look more attractive too. 

Built-in storage is ideal for the bathroom and building cupboards that reach floor to ceiling will also reduce the amount of cleaning you have to do. While shelves can look beautiful in hotels, remember that a hotel bathroom is usually cleaned every day. If you don’t have that time (or a cleaner!), it’s probably best to minimise the number of open surfaces available!


Storage is great for hiding your stuff but you must also think carefully about what you actually need. Kids can quickly take over the bathroom with the number of toys they want at bath time but do they really need so many toys? Similarly, look through all the soaps and smellies you have been gifted over the years and too polite to throw out. Remember: it’s the thought that counts for a gift, so you are allowed to regift, donate or just plain bin.  

The 3 questions to ask when decluttering are these: 

  1. Is it broken? Yes – throw it away.
  2. Has it expired? Yes – throw it away.
  3. Do you use it? No – throw it away or donate! 

Once you’ve reduced the amount of stuff you have, it will be even easier to organise and hide what you have left. However, the real key to success is avoiding getting into the same mess again. If you buy anything new, make sure that you chuck something out – operating a strict one in, one out policy is the only way to keep the clutter under control. 

Another good idea is to look through the things in the bathroom and ask whether they need to be in there in the first place. Things like hairdryers, brushes and make-up might be better suited to the bedroom. 

Add Plants

Plants have dominated interior design for more than a year now and the trend isn’t going everywhere. A few plants can really improve the air quality of your home and can also boost your mood and mental health. Plants also offer up more pleasant natural scents for your bathroom, which are much better than man-made aerosol air fresheners that won’t do you any good. 

Rubber plants are well suited to bathroom living but if you only have a small room, they may be a little excessive. In this case, a few smaller succulents on the window ledge will do the job just fine. Orchids are particularly well suited to a steamy bathroom too and won’t need very much attention to produce beautiful blooms.

Bringing a more natural feel to your home is the perfect way to add a bit of luxury without spending a small fortune. Natural materials always feel more authentic and using a small palette will create a calming feel. For example, using pine will create a Scandanavian sauna feel without costing a fortune. 

Keep it Clean

Keeping the bathroom clean is a struggle for most families. It really doesn’t take that much to cause chaos! Cleaning your bathroom like a professional might sound tough but actually, the higher your standards are, the easier it will be to maintain. Plus, if you clean little and often, you can reduce your overall cleaning time. 

There are all sorts of simple tricks you can use to make life easier. A good trick is to put a simple home-made cleaning spray (half vinegar, half boiled and cooled water) in the shower. The last person to shower in the morning should spritz the tiles and shower door and use a squeegee to clean it off. Similarly, asking your family to splash water around the sink after they have used it – especially after brushing their teeth – will help to minimize grotty accumulations. 

Getting into the habit of keeping the bathroom clean is half the battle but once everyone is used to doing their bit, it’s actually not a lot to ask and will make a big difference. 

When all you want is a luxurious bath and 30 minutes of peace, you don’t want to spend half that time fighting through bath toys and picking up damp towels. Creating a calming space shouldn’t be that stressful! With just a few simple tricks and regular cleaning, there’s no reason that your family bathroom can’t also be a haven. 

So, grab that face mask, download that Richard and Judy Book Club thriller you’ve been meaning to read for weeks, turn on the taps and pour in your favourite scent. This bathroom is ready for you now! 


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