Unique ways to celebrate Father’s Day

This is a collaborative post
My Dad’s had a funny couple of years. In his early 70’s, living alone and with a pre-existing heart condition, the last 2 years of covid lockdowns, shielding, socialising restrictions and isolation have left my Dad somewhat disconnected from friends and family. As the world is gradually returning to at least some sense of normality, we’ve been trying to coax my Dad back out into the world, helping him learn to live with Covid and accept a reasonable level of risk within his everyday life. It’s really hard when he’s been on his own for so long, so this Father’s Day we want to do something really special to show him how much we care. Here are some unique ways to celebrate Father’s Day with the Father figure in your life.
1. Send a Ta-dah card
You may be wondering what the hell a Ta-Dah card is – well don’t just stick to a boring basic Father’s Day card this year. Instead, check out Boomf’s range of confetti filled Ta-Dah cards, which shower the recipient in confetti and love when they pull the tab. With a huge range of personalised cards to choose from, these are sure to be a card opening experience he wont forget in a hurry! Check out Boomf’s full range of Father’s Day cards from daughters.
2. Research the Family Tree
If you’ve never dipped your foot into the world of genealogy, you will be amazed at just how much you can learn about your ancestors. Get a scrap book and present all your findings in a book your Dad can read through at his leisure – it is truly fascinating learning about the careers, marriages (and sometimes scandals) that occurred in the years gone by, and it’s a great gift to pass on through the generations and ensure your family name is not forgotten.
3. Fire up the Barbecue or Pizza oven
When was the last time the whole family got together and talked around an alfresco table? Now that the weather is (finally!) improving, Father’s Day is a great time of year to get outside, eat and talk – whether its an oven baked pizza or calzone, or an onion laced hotdog in a freshly baked bun, find your Dad’s preference of grub and head over with your siblings to give the gift of company to your Dad this Father’s Day.
4. Photo Gifts
Photo gifts are a great option for Father’s Day, especially if you don’t get to spend as much time with your Dad as you may wish to. Why not consider getting your favourite photo of the kids and grandkids turned into a jigsaw, providing your Dad not only with some fun entertainment, but a beautiful keepsake of his family too.
5. Go on a road trip
Chances are, like my Father; your Dad has spent quite a lot of time at home. Why not surprise your Dad with a road trip with your family? Whether it’s heading out to a local National Trust or English Heritage site, a local attraction, or a nice dinner in the city, take him out to see the world again, reminding him that there absolutely are safe and comfortable post covid experiences he can enjoy outside the security of his four walls.