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Want to Avoid Burnout As a Busy Mum? Here are 4 Signs you’re Overdoing It

Want to Avoid Burnout As a Busy Mum? Here are 4 Signs you’re Overdoing It

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How much is too much? If you find that you are always chasing deadlines, trying to keep fit, looking after your kids and working full-time then this can lead to serious burnout. If you want to look after your mental health then you need to stop doing too much and wind down a little. One problem that a lot of people run into is that they find it hard to know when they’re doing too much. They also find it hard to say no as well. If you want to take a positive step, then the only thing you have to do is take a look below.

Tiredness Around the Clock

Are you feeling drained, all day? If so then this could be a sign that you are running on an empty tank of gas. You may feel tired all the time or you may be physically and mentally spent. You might not have the energy to self-nurture either. This can encourage you to engage in bad habits, such as alcohol, overeating, lack of exercise and more. If you indulge in things like this then you may find that you end up feeling tired but wired, and this is the last thing you need. If you want to do something about this, then you need to slow down and start taking care of yourself more.

It is Becoming Hard to Get Up

Do you feel as though you have lost all of the get-up and go you once had? If so then you may be overdoing it. If you want to start feeling more refreshed or if you want to feel more enthusiastic about your work then now is the time for you to make a change. You need to focus on doing what makes you happy and you also need to cut back on the amount of responsibilities you are taking on at work. If you can do this then you are bound to feel better in no time at all.

You are Not Performing Well

If you feel as though you are not performing well at work, or if you are struggling to improve your career prospects then this is another sign that you are overwhelmed. You may be impacting your long-term career trajectory if you do not take action now. It may be that you need to talk with your boss about changing your role or that you need to start taking on jobs that fit more in line with your strengths.

You’re Aching

If you are under a lot of stress all the time then this can lead to body aches. If you want to do something about this then you need to try and deal with the source of the problem. It may be that you ask your partner for more support around the home, for example. If you want to stop your body aches then going for a remedial massage could be a good idea. This is especially the case if you struggle with stress-related migraines, so keep that in mind.

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