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What will my child learn at nursery? 

What will my child learn at nursery? 

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Nursery is the start to a child’s education, the time where they get to learn the very basics in order to build their academic blocks to success. They take part in a number of activities that help them develop fine motor skills, body strength and social skills. At this stage of learning, your child will be mainly learning through play. Eventually, they will be introduced to learning about routines and developing early Maths and English skills. Below is a guide on what your child will learn in nursery, as advised by this nursery school in Hampshire

Communication and language

Learning how to communicate is a crucial part of development. This is something that begins from birth and is developed as a child grows up. In the early years, your child will learn how to listen and pay attention to when other people speak. Eventually they will develop the ability to respond to others too. At nursery, this is done in the form of conversations, rhymes, songs and telling stories. By the time your child has left nursery, your child should have developed the confidence to practice these skills and express themselves.

Physical development

This is important in order for a child to have a healthy lifestyle. This area of learning is all about being active and making decisions that positively affect your child. The development of fine and gross motor skills is vital and will be encouraged daily to help them build the strength to complete regular tasks. Nursery will provide your child with endless opportunities to run, crawl and jump to develop their physical development. Additionally, fine motor skills will also be worked on through the practice of using a pencil or scissors. 

Social and emotional growth

At nursery, the social and emotional growth of a child is very important. This is why most nurseries carefully follow the EYFS framework to aid with this. Social skills include learning how to take turns, sharing and interacting with both adults and children. With the use of rules, they will learn how to follow directions and routines as well. Emotional growth in a child includes learning how to identify and express their own feelings. Teachers are well trained on how to approach a young child the correct way when they are feeling overwhelmed. Over time, children will learn to develop self-control and regulate their own behaviour. 

Overall, the primary focus of nursery is to help children develop the skills they need to be successful in school and in life as a whole. 

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