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Why Shaughna is the real winner of Love Island 2020

Why Shaughna is the real winner of Love Island 2020

So this years Love Island? Pretty brutal huh? Like much of the nation, I sat last night glued to my screen, feeling positively sick at the prospect of watching Shaughna’s heart break as Callum walked back in to the “Villur” with the blonde Mandy Moore lookalike “Molleh”. This Casa Amour re-coupling was by far the most traumatic one I’ve seen, completely trumping the previously reigning champion of awkwardness with Amber and Mike.

We all knew it was coming. From the moment Callum set eyes on Molly it was clear that his head had was well and truly scrambled, and despite the fact that they weren’t an official couple, I can’t but feel a little disappointed that Shallum is no more.

For now on my votes with Finn and Paige to win (how cute were they last night, and how the hell is he 20??!) but here are the reasons why I think Shaughna is the real winner of Love Island 2020.

  1. Best come back to a dumping ever. Asked by Laura Whitmore if she had anything to say to Callum when he stood hand in hand with Molly right in front of her – she said two words and two words only.  “Congrats HUNNNN” (with a slight air of a serial killer plotting her next attack). Savage yet strong. Queen!!
  2. Her immediate reaction – There was no screaming, no angry verbal attack, and she held the tears back until half way up the stairs, simply stomping off to make herself a strong cup of tea. Could she be any more British? And Callum tripping up the stairs on the way? Classic!!
  3. Her Conclusion – Once she’d had time to get over the shock and anger of Callum’s re-coupling, her conclusion was pretty simple “It’s ok – I should never have trusted a scaffolder anyway”. (Her ex was one and cheated on her!). I think its fair to say there won’t be any more scaffolders on her scene for a while.
  4. Shes a Girl’s Girl – The way she reached out to Demi during the re-coupling to remind her to put her game face on really made me smile. She always has the other girls’ backs, and although she speaks her mind (like she did with Sophie) it is usually warranted and the things that everyone else is thinking but too scared to say out loud.
  5. A ‘normal’ body – despite what the trolls have had to say online (shame on them!) Shaughna is one of the first ‘real’ bodies to step inside the Love Island villa. This more natural body shape makes her far more relatable, and in my view she is far more likely to do well as an influencer after the show. I would much rather see a spot of cellulite than another hair weave or an over collagened lip.
  6. She spots a snake from a mile away – Very early on, Shaughna sat around the fire put and said that she didn’t trust Mike, and at the time everyone thought it was a bit out of place. Yet just a few weeks later, “Big Mike” proved to be the slimiest shark in the villa. In her words “The devil works fast but Big Mike works faster”. She got his measure pretty damn quick! She’s also realised that you should always ALWAYS trust your gut.
  7. Her reactions to the new girls – Whenever a new girl enters the villa, Shaughna doesn’t even try and hide her insecurities, describing Rebecca as a Greek goddess with hair glossier “than a glossy pen”?! and admitting that she “couldn’t stop staring at the their boobs” when the twins arrived on the scene. Whilst her analogies may need a bit of work, at least she keeps it real!
  8. Her girl code is strong – Shaughna is always happy to have an open conversation, much preferring the other girls to tell her upfront if they’re doing something that will affect her or her coupling. As soon as she knew she’d upset Sophie, she pulled her straight over for a chat.
  9. The witty one liners – Shaughna’s had more than her fair share of witty one liners in the villa, from “I got a text… not a man” to “I’d rather find out on Day 2 that Callum’s a wet wipe” (shame it took a little longer!) and “I came to Love Island to find a boyfriend not a son”.
  10. The Molly / Shaughna Date – Even in one of the most awkward and forced situations known to man, Shaughna was held her game face strong! I actually felt a bit sorry for Molly and her nervous poo! 😀

What lies in store for Shaughna is yet to be seen, with her now being officially single in the villa. But one thing is for sure, as Amber proved last year, if the public get behind you enough, you don’t need to be in established couple to take the crown! In her own words… If Chloe Kardashian can get through 2019, then she can get through this!!

Who do you want to win Love Island 2020? 

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