Why You Should Choose To Install A Veranda Instead Of A Conservatory

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Gardening has become a favourite pastime for many Brits. According to a recent survey, £16 billion was invested in gardening in the past year.
Painting fences, adding colourful plants, removing weeds and clearing pathways are some of the most popular ways people transform their gardens. Others incorporated solar panel lights and ornaments as unique features.
Many want to improve their garden before summer. They want to have a space that is tranquil and inviting. It is a place where they can retreat on a warm evening or spend time during a weekend.
An increasingly popular way to achieve this is by extending their living space into the outdoor area. Installing a conservatory might be the first idea that comes to mind. However, there is a better option to consider – a veranda. If you are on the fence about why you should choose a veranda, here are a few benefits it can provide.
Cost-Friendly Option
Choosing a veranda over a conservatory is the more affordable option. The initial cost of installing a veranda is friendlier to your budget than a conservatory. A veranda is a more reasonable option and the price to set it up is significantly cost-friendly.
If you decide to sell your home and move somewhere new in the future, having a veranda can increase the value of your home. It is seen as a desirable factor to have in most gardens, as it does not affect any space within your outdoor area.
Minimal Disruption To Install
Building a conservatory is a time-consuming task. It can cause significant disruption to your life, especially if you are working from home. The process of installing a veranda is relatively quick. As it is going on the property’s exterior, the disruption you will likely experience will be minimal. Having a veranda installed is the better-suited option if you want the least disruption in the quickest turnaround time. Additionally, it means that you can start utilising your new space sooner.
No Authorised Planning Required
If you were to have a conservatory installed, you might need planning permission beforehand. For example, if the desired extension is to be forward of the side of the house or the front that faces the road, you will need planning permission to have a conservatory built. This was what kept many Britons busy during lockdown, as they tended to their garden.
With a veranda, there are no authorised planning permissions required. There are limited or no complications that come with installing a veranda. Work to install one can be done immediately and with minimal hassle.
Extra Storage Space
Storage space is a highly desirable quality for any property. If you have a veranda, it can be an ideal location to store garden furniture or toys. Depending on the size of the veranda, putting your garden furniture underneath can make for another area to sit and spend time.
For the most part, a veranda can protect the belongings you are sheltering from the rain. If you are using it to store items in the evening, it is simple to take them out the next day to use.
Maintains The Views Of The Garden
After spending time and money on improving your garden, you want to ensure that you can appreciate the work done. A veranda can provide you with an attractive backdrop of your garden. The open plan design ensures that none of your views is obstructed by panels or doors. Instead, you can embrace the full view of your newly renovated garden, as well as take in the sounds and smells lingering in the air.
Improves Homes Exterior
Verandas are focused more on the exterior of the property. A conservatory is essentially an extension of the interior space of a house. There are various high-quality designs for verandas available. Each can suit the style of your home, ensuring that it seamlessly blends into the area.
Simply by adding a veranda, giving your garden an elegant touch, you can instantly improve the appearance of your outdoor area. Nationwide Home Innovations offer these verandas in a custom-made order, giving you a unique choice to make your home stand out. The aesthetic value of your home will increase with the installation of a veranda. Guests who visit will be amazed by its appearance and how it has transformed your garden area.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, having a veranda installed at your home can make for an attractive addition. It helps to create the ideal space to entertain guests during the summertime. The shade it offers will enable you to spend more time outside, enjoying the warmer climate.
Conservatories can take up a significant amount of space in your garden, making it feel smaller. With a veranda, it has the opposite effect. It makes the most of the space available without making the garden feel small. If you are looking for ways to improve your garden in time for summer, investing in a veranda is worth considering.