10 Reasons ‘The Replacement’ Sucked!

I recently gave up 3 hours of my life to watch BBC Drama, The Replacement. It was described as a 3 part psychological drama, based around an expectant woman going on maternity leave, and clashing with her interim replacement. Having recently started maternity leave myself, and experienced the slight nervousness that the person covering may be better than you, I could completely relate.
The first two episodes were fantastic. I was gripped, I was creeped out by the main character, Paula, and I couldn’t predict where the plot was going – a perfect drama if you will.
But after this weeks finale – I was left feeling slightly robbed. 3 hours of my life I wont get back, and a disappointing end to something which held so much potential. Here’s why, for me, 10 reasons why The Replacement totally sucked.
(CAUTION – Spoiler Alerts)
- The last episode felt completely rushed. The previous episodes had plodded along nicely, and the plot seemed to unravel at super speed, as if someone had told them they only had the film studio for another half hour and needed to wrap up. It’s change in pace was noticeable and didn’t fit.
- Ellen’s husband, a psychiatrist – not only failed to identify the psychopathic behaviour of Paula, but actually believed her over his own wife. True love that. Not only did he discredit his wife, he then decided to take their baby round to Paula’s for a playdate!
- CCTV – a newly built £12m library would have CCTV right? All over the place. Surely one of those cameras would have captured the fact that Paula threw herself down the stairs, and was not pushed as implied?
- Who leaves a baby on a windowsill whilst making up milk? Outside? When you live on a roadside? Not even the most stupid of parents would do that!
- Ellen, an architect, apparently also has developed the skills of James Bond, having a hidden talent in hot wiring cars. Maybe she was part of a care crime ring in her spare time?
- Ellen managed to swallow around 12 tablets in one go, with no water, in about 2 seconds flat.
- Despite being drugged to her eyeballs and awaking from a slumber in the car, she was conscious enough to drive her car to the library, despite Paula never actually telling her that’s where the baby had been taken.
- Paula handed herself in? Way to boring. A better twist would have been Paula implying that Ellen had kidnapped her own child before attempting suicide (with an overdose).
- The Boss looking on from afar at the end. What was that? A inference that he was the father? Are they together? Maybe there should have been a paternity test?! I hate unanswered questions.
- Finally… the most annoying of them all. The road they live on… how the hell do the other cars get past???
I think this guy sums it up pretty well…
hahahaha! Yes totally agree! First 2 hours were amazing but the last episode totally ruined it for me!
SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!! And yes, I thought the same, how did she know how to hotwire cars?!
haha yes to all the above. I felt the last episode let it down completely.
I really liked it, it’s just such a shame that they last episode completely let it down! It was really rushed and so many things, particularly the baby on the windowsill just wouldn’t happen…you wouldn’t do that!!!
I felt something after the last episode and I didn’t know what and I didn’t know why but this post explains it all for me lol.
It really was rushed. And I was sitting there thinking “why are you not standing by and believing your wife!!!!”
Haha!!! Yes I do agree, it was so rushed in the last episode. I completey get what they tried to do, how Ellen wasn’t interested in her pregnancy and the baby so that Paula used her psycopathic ways to help Ellen realise how much she does love her baby and when she realised she was willing to kill herself for the sake of her baby that’s why she gave herself in.. BUT.. I was waiting for some amazing twist which never happened and I felt completely unsatisfied
I think the boss looking over them the end was implying that he sees them as an opportunity to have a family and they probably will end up together.
YES!! At number 2, I would have gagged to death
it was such a damp squib.
What a let down!
I’ve never watched this, but it totally sucks when the last episode feels like it’s rushed. I mean, it ruins the whole thing if it’s otherwise good!
The first two were amazing but the third episode let it down so badly c
I can’t comment as I have never watched it but I may try & Find it in catch up 🙂
Ok, so I’ve not yet watched the last, I plan too once everyone has gone to bed I am sorry but won’t read further, but will viewing my response. A bit gutted that you feel it ended shabbily, slightly nervous now lol
I haven’t watched it as don’t particularly like stuff I have to think about to enjoy. I’m currently watching ex on the beach