3 Things a Mum Might Want to Consider About Hiring a Skip

This is a collaborative post
If you have been watching my instagram stories recently, you will know that we have recently started on our Kitchen Extension and home office. With me now working from home for at least half the week for the considerable future, we wanted to invest some money in our home and enhance our home office environment.
Commencing building works within your home can allow you to make the space suit your needs and tastes that bit more. However, having children under foot when workmen are involved, or even when undertaking these changes yourself, can be difficult, not to mention a potential hazard. Hiring a skip could help to resolve some of the problems that arise during larger projects. Initially, you might want to consider the different aspects involved, as well as the issues you could very well face from not using one.
The cost of hiring a skip can vary, depending on the size of the item you require, the number of times you need it emptied and returned, and even the duration you plan on keeping it for.
You might want to use a handy guide to try and calculate your costs, so that they can be worked into the budget for your plans. You may want to find out if the cost given to you includes VAT or not, as the price could be increased further should VAT need to be added. There may also be other costs that need to be factored in. One of these could be if you need a permit to have the skip at your location. This is usually only the case if the skip will need to be placed on public land, such as the road in front of your home. If you have a driveway, you could opt to have the skip placed there to potentially avoid this extra charge.
Having a skip means that any rubbish could be removed from your home and deposited safely in something that will allow for its disposal. This can help to give you more room within your home, which can be important both for allowing a family to try and go about their usual daily activities as much as possible, and to give you more space to actually conduct your building works. When you consider that modern rooms can be fairly small, it might seem sensible to try and allow yourself as much space as possible.
Every year, approximately 390,800 children under the age of 15 are given hospital treatment resulting from trips and falls in the home. The danger of this occurring may be a lot greater when there is debris, rubble, or even project-related rubbish strewn about the home. Hiring a skip may allow you to still keep rubbish under control, without it affecting your child’s safety as much. Removing items to the skip promptly means there may be less time for your child to come into contact with them. Where younger children are concerned, this can also help to prevent them from being ingested.
The use of a skip for your project can be both practical and efficient. By storing any waste products within a large, given container, it may be easier to rid yourself of them. In addition to this, it can be nicer for your child to not feel endangered, or even claustrophobic, due to the amount of debris in their home.
I hope you find this useful and good luck with your renovations!