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4 Tips to Create the Perfect Work-From-Home Environment

4 Tips to Create the Perfect Work-From-Home Environment

*This is a collaborative post

By now, those who were lucky enough to work from home have become quite adept at it. Most industries have seen how working from home has led to significant changes to the labour market, and there is a strong chance that this will not go back to the office-based approach of the past. Despite this, some individuals might not feel prepared to work from home full-time. If you have gone into business for yourself, or have recently changed careers that took you behind the screen, rather than behind a counter, here are a few tips to create the perfect work-from-home environment. 

Lots Of Natural Light 

Natural light is an underrated element when creating the perfect environment. No one wants to sit under a fluorescent light bulb to work, though, so putting your desk close to a window will do wonders and help with focus and productivity. As you don’t need to deal with the daily commute, you can make the most of this natural light. Start work as early as possible and also finish early, so you won’t need to switch a light on throughout the day, at least not until winter crawls out from its hole, anyway. 

A Dedicated Space 

Most people will sit on the sofa or at the dining room table when working from home, but, as convenient as this is, it isn’t a sustainable model. Instead, you need a dedicated space, such as a spare room or even get in touch with patio builders to design an extension that can become your home office. To make the space as effective as possible, you’ll need to shut yourself off from the rest of the house. So a closed door or a screen will signify that you are in work mode, encouraging productivity and keeping distractions down. 

Comfortable Furniture 

Comfortable chairs and desks are not something you’ve always had to think about. At your office, this was all provided for you. Now you’re going it alone, though, you need something that avoids bad and shoulder issues. Your chair should provide lumbar support, while an adjustable desk will allow you to find the perfect height for your needs. If you’re struggling to find the right chair, you can look at support cushions to add further comfort. 


You won’t be able to maximise efficiency with a cluttered desk. Organisation is a crucial part of creating the perfect work-from-home environment, so you should make sure you have everything you need before you start your day. This can include pens and notebooks, your calendar (but you should also use your computer calendar to be on the safe side), as well as any details about what you need to do. If you are organised from the off, you won’t waste time searching for important information when you’re asked for it. 

The Perfect Place 

You will not become comfortable with working from home immediately. You might miss the office atmosphere; you may even miss the rogues’ gallery of customers that you previously dreaded interacting with each day. If you want to create a functional space, these tips will make any transition more comfortable, allowing you to maximise your productivity and efficiency without even leaving your home. 



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