4 Tips to Creating a More Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Household

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The world is changing, and so are the demands on our time, attention, and resources. With 7 billion people globally, we have to find ways to live better with less. The good news is that you can take many simple steps in your home to live more sustainably and eco-friendly. I will share four easy tips for creating a sustainable household that could save you money in this post!
1 Use Energy Efficient Appliances
Energy-efficient appliances will reduce your carbon footprint and save you money. These appliances that use less electricity typically cost less to operate, plus they last longer. The Australian Department of Energy has a list of energy efficiency standards for major home appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers on their website (energystar.gov). Newer models meet higher standards than older ones, so make sure to check the label before buying! For example, an ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator uses about 40% less energy than one without the certification; instead of replacing old appliances with new ones that may not be as efficient or durable, try repairing them first.
2 Catch and Store Rainwater
Rainwater catchment systems are becoming more common in the United States. For example, in Tucson, Arizona, residents have been capturing rainwater since 1929, when their annual rainfall was only about three inches! They now get over 16 feet of rainfall every year, irrigating crops and landscaping within city limits. You can use collected rainwater to wash dishes or laundry instead of tap water from your municipality’s supply system. It can also be used indoors and with proper treatment, if you live in a region without ample rainfall throughout the year. You can store your additional water in various efficient Slimline Tanks. Households that collect rainwater reduce their carbon footprint by not drawing on municipal supplies, plus it saves money since they do not pay monthly fees for treated drinking water.
3 Benefit From Solar Farms
Solar farms in the U.S and worldwide generate clean energy, which is used to power homes, electric vehicles and even spaceships! Solar electricity generation has increased about 418% since 2010 thanks to improved technology such as cheaper photovoltaic cells (PVC). These panels are much more durable than older models because they don’t use silicon as early solar panels. You can add a small solar farm by installing rooftop PV systems on your home or business. It’s essential to speak with several companies before choosing one, so you have options for financing, equipment types and warranties available for your renewable system. Additionally, you can save money on your electric bill with net metering which credits solar customers for the excess energy they provide to their utility.
4 Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies
Households that use eco-friendly cleaning products are healthier too. Many conventional cleaners contain toxic chemicals like chlorine bleach, ammonia and formaldehyde, which can irritate your lungs and eyes when used regularly in the home environment. The Environmental Protection Agency lists ordinary household hazardous wastes plus tips for safe disposal (epa.gov). In addition, your local municipality may offer free events where you can safely dispose of these materials instead of throwing them away with regular trash! Some green supplies include plant-based surfactants (soaps) made from organic oils, hydrochloric acid to remove mineral deposits from water pipes, disinfecting hydrogen peroxide mixed with distilled vinegar as an all-purpose cleaner, to name just a few examples.