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8 Things That Will Make Your Kids Safer in the Garden

8 Things That Will Make Your Kids Safer in the Garden

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We all know that kids have an uncanny ability to find danger where you least expect it – especially in the garden, which they often treat like some kind of uncharted jungle terrain where adventure can be found around every corner. But, short of wrapping them in bubble wrap, what can you do to ensure they stay safe, while still having the freedom to roam the garden and get lots of lovely exercise and fresh air?

1. Retaining Walls: The Great Divide

First off, let’s start with those pesky boundaries and the retaining walls that can help with them. These aren’t just for holding back earth; they’re great for creating safe play areas. They’re ideal for keeping the kids(and pets) in and the steep, dangerous areas out. Plus, they make your garden look pretty neat and tidy, which is always a bonus. Don’t have any slopes? Then a garden fence will probably do just as well, which brings us to…

2. Fencing, and I Don’t Mean the Kind with Swords!

A good, sturdy fence is essential for any gardens where kids (or pets) play, especially if you live near a road or have a pond. It’s basically the family home equivalent of building a  fortress around your garden, keeping the little ones in and potential hazards out. And no, you don’t need a moat and drawbridge, tempting as that may be.

3. Lock Away Tools and Chemicals in a Secure Place

Garden sheds are mysterious places for kids. They’re full of fascinating (and potentially dangerous) things. Ensure all tools, especially sharp ones, and chemicals are locked away. It’s like putting the treasure on the top shelf of the pirate ship – out of reach of the little buccaneers.

4. Soft Landings: Cushion the Falls

If you’ve got play equipment like swings or a slide, consider putting down some soft landing material. Wood chips, rubber mulch, or even soft grass can cushion those inevitable tumbles. It’s like having a stunt double for every accident-prone action hero in your garden.

5. Pond Safety: Water Woes

Ponds can be a hazard for young children. If you have one, ensure it’s fenced off or covered with a rigid mesh. You could even consider filling it in while the kids are small. Think of it as a temporary pause on your water-gardening ambitions – your Koi carp dreams can wait.

6. Plant Smart: Beware the Forbidden Fruit (and Flowers)

Some plants look pretty but are about as kid-friendly as a cactus pillow. Do a bit of research and steer clear of planting anything toxic. It’s like vetting the guests at your kid’s birthday party – only invite the safe ones.

girl sitting beside a teddy bear
Photo by Andy Kuzma on

7. Sun Protection: Because Lobster Red Is Not a Good Look

We’re all about catching some rays, but sun protection is key. Slather on that sunscreen, kit out the kids in hats, and maybe pop up a sunshade or two. Think of it as preparing for a mini expedition to the Sahara.

8. Supervision: Keep an Eagle Eye

Last but not least, supervision. There’s no substitute for keeping a watchful eye on your kids while they’re playing. It’s like being a lifeguard, but for grass and dirt instead of water.

The garden is a great place for kids to grow, learn and explore, providing it is safe, of course, and you can be sure that the above will help with that!

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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