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Adventure Fearlessly with Safe + Sound Health

Adventure Fearlessly with Safe + Sound Health

AD – This post is in collaboration with Safe + Sound Health

I have never been a “Bubble wrap mum”. As much as I have my heart in my throat when the girls speed off on their scooters, narrowly avoiding oncoming children, dogs and walls(!), I have to let them learn that at times, there are a few bumps along the road. Learning about danger, fear, adrenaline and risk is a really important part of growing up, and as a result, the girls have had more than their fair share of bumps, cuts and bruises!

Allowing children to experience some ups and downs is a really important life lesson. For one, I want my children to learn that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we fall down and we hurt ourselves, but we get up, we dust ourselves off and we carry on. That positive and resilient attitude is now more important than ever. 

During the last few months in particular we have spent an incredible amount of time outside. Whether it’s been planting our own seeds and sunflowers in the garden, going on scavenger hunts in our local woods, completing obstacle courses at National Trust welly walks, or climbing trees in the fields behind our house, the girls have definitely been embracing their love of the great outdoors. We’ve seen lots of muddy knees, the odd trip and tumble and a few tree related grazes; but by embracing my inner Brownie and making sure I’m prepared for whatever life throws at us, the girls have come out relatively unscathed by their daily adventures.

Here are my tips for keeping smiles on their faces even when things don’t go according to plan! 

Don’t panic!!

This is easier said than done, but remember that your reactions can affect the child’s response. If you rush over flailing arms & panic stricken when your child falls down, this will add to their anxiety and inevitably result in a more extreme shedding of tears.  Obviously I don’t succeed with this one if it’s a particularly traumatic fall, but for the odd grazed knee or scraped arm, I try to appear nonchalant even if inside I’m thinking “arghhhhhhh!!”

Cuddles and kisses

You can’t beat the whole ‘kiss it better’ approach – when my Mum used to kiss my knee after a fall it was like she had waved a magic wand – reason being that 9 times out of 10 it was the shock that caused the tears rather than physical pain. Neve & I also do the ‘eyelash spider’ where I fan my eyelashes on her cheek. It tickles her face and always makes her laugh, turning tears to smiles pretty quickly. 

Offer praise for being brave

Whilst having a quick cuddle I remind her that she’s done really well and how brave she has been. I find if I repeat this as she’s picking herself up and we’re dusting her off, the tears stay away and she maintains her self control.

Keep it Clean

Cuts and grazes can really sting and smart, so it’s important to keep the area clean to prevent infection. Safe + Sound have handy ‘on the go’ bottles of hand sanitiser and antibacterial hand foam that are ideal for popping into your handbag or rucksack when going out on a mini expedition. The Safe + Sound antibacterial hand foam is fast acting and kills 99.99% of bacteria and dries quickly without leaving any sticky residue, meaning you can ensure your hands are clean and germ free even when you’re out and about with the family. For cleansing minor skin irritations or scrapes, you can also spray on a little of the Safe + Sound cleansing antiseptic spray which has an almost instant calming effect.

Plaster it up

For my daughters at least, the simple suggestion of a plaster with a fun design on is like watching a kid at Christmas – their attention is taken away from their grazes knee, and quickly becomes focused on which choice of design they want to pick!  This can become quite humorous though – be prepared for exclamations of “Mummy I need a plaster!” at the sight of any feint red mark on their body.

The Safe + Sound hypoallergenic plasters are made specifically for children and are super gentle on delicate skin. The plasters come in 2 different packs with 8 different designs including princesses, unicorns, dinosaurs, mermaids, monsters, robots and spaceships. They are wash proof, so can withstand splashing and wet environments and extremely flexible, meaning when the girls do get back up and start running around again, they stay put!!


If in doubt, distract, distract, distract. Whether it’s a forest school den in the distance, a secret path or a low flying butterfly; it’s amazing what a bit of diversion tactics can do to improve everyones mood! 

How do you comfort your little ones when they fall?


  1. Debbie n

    I find distraction works wonders!! That and magic cream! Lol

  2. Yvadney

    I’ll never forget the first time I saw my toddler get a shiner. It shot out like a cartoon and was terrifying, but like yours, she was being boisterous and had climbed something she shouldn’t have. Distravtion, as always, was key! Yvadney x

  3. Laura warNer

    When one of the boys falls over I usually you either distraction or a big cuddle and the Bravery badge. My eldest has always made a fuss where as my 2 year just jumps straight back up without a care in the world

  4. Emily and indiana

    Elsa plasters would definitely solve all problems with my 3 year old! I always do the ‘pretend I’m not panicking’ smile as well.. usually works! xx

  5. EssexKate

    It’s amazing how often the tears are due to shock and all can be quickly healed. With my baby she will look around when she falls over to check out everyones responses before deciding if she is going to cry or not.

  6. Amy @ the smallestofthings

    The not panicking is the bit I struggle with. Especially as my eldest seems to always cut her mouth when falling over (you can imagine the amount of blood!). Distraction always works alongside cuddles 🙂

  7. mandy

    Tears are tough to see but like you say its all part of growing up. Great tips for my girl and that reminds me I really need a first aid box at home.

  8. Katie

    My daughter barely seems to notice all the bumps and scrapes! She knows it will soon feel better lol!

  9. Lindsey

    I am a firm believer of not molly cuddling your child too much, you have to teach them to be firm and allow them to self soothe. Teach them that they will have a few accidents and it will be ok, especially as they are brave and strong and can cover up a little graze with a favourite plaster.


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