The Autumn months have well and truly arrived and everywhere you look you can see fallen leaves and the beautiful colours of brown, orange and gold. As beautiful as Autumn can be, with the days often being dark, cold and wet AND finding ourselves back in lockdown, we are all spending a lot more time at home than usual. As such, we have been embracing the craft activities more than ever and finding some fun things to entertain the girls in the comfort of our own home.
You all fell in LOVE with my autumn ballet dancers craft (which you haven’t already seen you can find HERE), so now I have another one for you – Autumn Tree Crafts.
This Autumn craft for kids is SUPER easy to do, and fun for all ages from preschoolers to older children.
To help your children make their own Autumn Tree Craft activity, you will need:
- Cotton Wool
- A variety of coloured paints e.g. brown, orange, red, yellow (any Autumn themed colours)
- A clothes peg
- Our printable downloads, which you can see below.
First, download our free tree printable below:
You may want to print off a few copies so they can have a number of turns!
Pour out a small amount of each paint colour somewhere that is easily accessible for your child.
Using the peg, clip the peg on to a cotton wool bud before dipping into the paint colour of your choice and printing on to the paper to create the impression of bunches of leaves.
Keep dipping the cotton wool in different colour paints – it works well if you keep mixing them up, as it creates a more realistic tree effect. Using the peg makes it super easy for small hands to hold without getting completely covered in paint (although keeping it real – Neve still managed to get it everywhere – it’s what she does best!)
Keep on dabbing until your tree really starts to take shape! Don’t dab too hard or some of the cotton wool come away too (see below!)
Allow to dry and there you have it – a beautiful Autumn tree! 🙂
As you can see I have created two different types of tree to print out, so you can even create a bit of a woodland scene or combine with real leaves to help bring their craft creations to life!
We hope you enjoy making your own Autumn trees with you children this season!
Keep following our page as we are creating more printables soon to keep the children busy on the run up to the Festive period!
Lucy x