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Back to the Garden with Sudocrem – The Planting

Back to the Garden with Sudocrem – The Planting

This post is in collaboration with Sudocrem

As you will know from from our previous post, we have recently been working on the Back to the Garden campaign with Sudocrem over the last few weeks during lockdown. Of all the things we have done as a family during this extended period at home, getting out in the garden, prancing around on moon shoes and doing some planting with the girls has been one of the real highlights.

Getting out in the garden and growing seeds is a great little project for children when they can’t attend school, with lots of benefits such as vitamin D, fresh air and exercise and in the case of my youngest, has been an ideal was to teach her about where food comes from, encouraging her to taste the fruits of her labour. The long term element of growing with kids means that this isn’t just a one off activity that loses their attention in minutes, it’s something they can go back to daily and monitor, watching as their creations come to life. The girls have really enjoyed it and their proud little faces when they see a new shoot or bud start to open has been really lovely to see.

Last month, I ran a competition here on my blog, where you could be in with the chance to win a growing kit and get started on your own gardening adventure. My competition is closed, but you can still win one on the Sudocrem website until the end of the month. Click here to enter:

We recently received my own Back to the Garden gardening kit in the post last week and the girls couldn’t wait to get back out there and start sowing the seeds!

The prize kit comes with lots of goodies to get you started, including seeds, tools, a t-shirt and gloves, so you don’t have to worry about them getting their hands dirty when digging in the soil!

The Sudocrem Back to the Garden pages are packed FULL of inspiration for fun projects you could do at home with the kids, all recommended by professional gardeners from all over the UK.

We particularly liked seeing how to make your own flower pots, and ‘Marigold Magic’. Having grown some marigolds of their own from seed, they were able to add their Marigolds to our flower bed yesterday and were very proud of their achievement!

The sunflowers we have grown from seed are now looking a little like attack of the triffids in our front living room, so we will be moving these outside at the weekend. We have set up a little contest with the girls’ cousins to see who’s sunflower can grow the tallest, and at the moment, Neve is very much in the lead! It will be interesting to se who’s stands proud at the end of the summer!  Sunflowers are one of my favourites, so I can wait to see their bright colourful flowers when they emerge!

If you fancy giving gardening a go with your children, visit the Sudocrem Back to the Garden pages to get started, and why not enter the giveaway for your chance to win?

Have you been growing seeds / getting out in the garden with your children? I’d love to hear about your creations!

Lucy xxx

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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