Controlling your heating with your phone

We’ve all seen the headlines. The scaremongering and the warnings. The cold snap is set to return. Whilst March might be on it’s way, it seems the spring weather is, sadly, not, with another period of freezing temperatures and potential snowfall set to return next week.
Myself and Mike have been checking out our options when it comes to keeping our home warm in the cooler months, including improving insulation, reducing heat loss, and controlling our heating via our mobile phone – a prospect which was completely new to me, but which makes complete sense. When your working late or off out for the day, the last thing you want is to be wasting energy pumping warm air into an empty house. That said, when you do finally return home, you want to be walking into a toasty warm house – there is nothing worse than crawling into a bed where the sheets are cold!
Using smart heating systems, you can now control your heating where ever you are using an app on your phone, and Underfloor Heating and Trade Supplies have very kindly shared a guide to choosing the right smart heating system to match your needs!
Here’s a summary of how to pick the right smart heating system for you:
- What is your main reason for wanting a smart heating system? Is it purely to enable you to control your heating remotely or do you want to control other aspects of your home?
- What kind of budget do you have to work with?
- What kind of heating system do you have installed at the property?
- How many thermostats do you have and where are they located?
- How many rooms do you want to heat and what area is covered by the system?
- What kind of setup do you have, and do they match the compatibility options for the smart services you are considering?
Whether we end up opting for Hive, Nest or otherwise, one thing is for sure, using smart heating systems has the potential to completely overhaul the way that we heat our home, offering both convenience and cost effectiveness, both of which I am keen to achieve!
Do you have a smart heating system in your home?

*This is a collaborative post*