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Dressing for the Seasons – What We Wore February 2019

Dressing for the Seasons – What We Wore February 2019

#ad This post contains gifted clothing from Jacamo.

Goodbye February. How was it for you?

We have recently waved goodbye to February and said hello to March – supposedly the start of Spring, the start of warmer weather, lighter nights and the hope of some sunshine on the horizon. I always love the start of Spring and the moments where you can start to leave your scarves and hats at home. You can pop the winter boots away and replace them with heels or strappy sandles, and that walk to work in the morning stops feeling like a middle of the night commute. The reality of the first week of March however has been somewhat different to my expectations! March has bought with it gale force winds, monsoon style rain and lots and lots of muddy puddles – not quite the outdoors friendly weather I’d been hoping for.

It’s a stark contrast to the last few days of February. Instead of being the usual snow filled month we’ve come to expect, February gave us a fair few gloriously mild sunny days – days where we were able to spend our days in the park eating ice cream as opposed to snuggling up in our winter snow suits and wellies.

As a result of the warmer temperatures, that will now forever be known as “Fake Spring”, we headed out on lots of mini adventures as a family. Neve absolutely loves unicorns at the moment, so when the sun came out she was pleased as punch to pop on her little unicorn dress and rainbow shoes and head out to our local park. Becoming fiercely independent now, she mastered climbing all the way to the top of the giant slide all by herself, however did need an encouraging little push from a boy at the top (with my permission!) in order to make her way down to me waiting at the bottom.

Despite not really loving the taste of ice cream, she obviously wanted to hold a 99 cone herself, having a few licks before handing it back to me to finish it off. It was a tough job, but hey – someones got to do it! On the way back home we picked up some fresh daffodils to brighten up our home, and I couldn’t resist taking a few sneaky shots of her holding them as she looked so very cute!

Erin’s enjoyed the sunshine too, although she did seem a little jealous when Neve’s ice cream day fell on a day she was at school! We made up for it with a trip to Erin’s favourite park in Knowle, where we were able to see some of the confused Spring flowers make an early appearance! I love Erin’s retro style denim dress from Joules with its frilly sleeves and embroidered hem. I’d quite fancy this in my own size too so we could do a bit of twinning!

February felt like a real shift in terms of what we could wear – the chance to pop away the cosy jumpers and warm snuggly coats, but with the weather being so changeable, it was a little bit tricky to predict what to wear from one day to the next. Layering became pretty crucial, and whilst Mike left his warmer parka coat behind, he did choose to layer up with a jumper underneath this lightweight French Connection Mac from Jacamo (which is currently on offer at £52!). This jacket is ideal for the Spring season, in a fitted smart casual design which can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion! With a casual crew neck sweater underneath (which come in a pack of two in grey and navy for just £30), Mike could quickly and easily shed a layer if the temperatures warmed up!

I’m looking forward to what March will bring when the rain slowly starts to disappear. One thing I DO need to remember for now however is to pack my brolly, as walking to work with a Disney Princess toddler umbrella has definitely raised a few eyebrows!

What did your family wear in Feb?

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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