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Embracing my Zodiac Fire Sign with Hersey & Son

Embracing my Zodiac Fire Sign with Hersey & Son

#AD – Review & Giveaway

Do you believe in the signs of the zodiac and how they reflect on your personality? I’ve had a bit of an obsession with astrology and horoscopes since I was a child, being fascinated by the different star signs and the characteristics they are deemed to represent. I often find myself able to predict someones star sign shortly after meeting them, getting a feel for their characteristics based on first impressions. When you delve into the world of the zodiac, it’s pretty eye opening just how detailed and accurate it can be.

To celebrate the release of the new zodiac range at Hersey and Son, I’ve taken some time out to reflect upon my own fire sign Aries, and establish whether star signs really can be a reflection of your preferences, traits, strengths and weaknesses. The new range of zodiac necklaces at Hersey and Son can be personalised with your own initial and birth stone and even engraved with a message of your choice, so whether you are an earth, fire or water sign,  you can create a necklace that completely reflects YOU.

Read on to learn more about whether the on paper Aries predictions are a true reflection of me, and for your chance to WIN a Hersey and Son personalised necklace of your own worth £70!

The First Sign of the Zodiac

When I was a child and young teen, long before the days of social media (yes, I really am that old) I would purchase an annual star sign book, with a daily horoscope entry for Aries (I am an April birthday), reading it at the start of each day to discover what my fate was due to have in store. I would find it fascinating how often these predictions would turn out to be relatively accurate, and spent most of my teenage years desperately holding out for that perfectly compatible Sagittarius to come my way (I never did find him – ha!!)

Aries Strengths 

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries strengths are described as Courage/Bravery, Resilient, Confidence, Honesty and Optimism. Aries signs tend to be natural leaders, an initiator rather than a completer, and a bit of an eager beaver, always liking action and movement, to be doing something and doing it with enthusiasm.

I would say this is definitely reflective of me. I am the kind of person who always has to be doing something (anything!) and part of the reason I set up this blog in the first place was that I was going on maternity leave and was convinced I would quickly become bored without a 9-5 keeping me mentally stimulated. Writing it down it sounds quite awful, but I didn’t want to “just” be a Mum – I wanted to feel like I was still learning new things, using my brain and challenging myself to do something different. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

That said, my lack of being able to switch off comes with it’s challenges, and not everyone is as enthusiastic about things as I am, meaning I am sure at times I can come across as a bit pushy or bold. I can also get frustrated if not everyone wants to work at the same pace, with red tape and team members who don’t pull their weight frustrating me in equal measure.

I am a very honest person (sometimes brutally so), but with me it’s fair to say that what you see is what you get. I am a pretty open book, so if you’ve upset me you will know (I’m likely to tell you) and if you’ve made me happy that will be embraced. I always go out of my way to say thank you to people, boost their confidence and support others where I can.

I pride myself on being a very social person – I can start conversations with pretty much anyone, anywhere and I rarely get nervous in social settings because I can generally always find something to say! Because of that, I find I am good at bringing other people out of their shell, so if you’re a little bit shy or a bit more introverted, I can be handy to have around!

Aries Weaknesses 

As a Fire sign however and the sign of the Ram (who rules quite literally with their head), you can’t not expect a few weaknesses thrown into the mix too. Weaknesses for Aries include stubbornness (oh hell yes!) impatience (are we done yet?) and being short tempered (how rude!).

I, for one can be incredibly stubborn (for this I blame my father) and at times that can be a positive (not giving up, being willing to dust myself off and try again), but at others, it means that I can be a bit of a challenge (at least I’m prepared to admit it). I enjoy a good debate and like to challenge views and play devils advocate. I will stand up for what I believe in – particularly where injustice is involved, but as a result, I can be fairly frustrating in an argument.  I like to have the last word, and whilst if I am in the wrong I will be quick to hold my hands up and admit it, I will also strongly defend my corner if I feel I am being treated unfairly.

As I’ve got older, I have also developed quite strong views on friendship and relationships – I am a strong believer of treating people the way you’d like to be treated yourself, and if people hurt me or if a relationship feels one sided, I would sooner accept that its over and admit defeat than continue to battle with my emotions.

Because of my enthusiasm for getting things done, I hate waiting for anything – the bus, the two day wait between Friday and Sunday’s Love Island, even Christmas – you name it, I hate any kind of delay. If I can make something happen sooner, I will, but not wanting to rush my life away, I also enjoy capturing every moment of the here and now too.

The Hersey & Son Zodiac Necklace

So as you can see if you got this far (if you’re an Aries you probably skipped straight to the bottom to find out how you could win the giveaway), my star sign is a pretty mixed bag.

That said, I am proud to be an Aries, and I love the idea of the zodiac necklace giving that little bit of insight to others when we meet. Almost like a name tag – I am an ARIES – approach with care!! 🙂

I think the Hersey & Son Zodiac sterling silver necklaces are a thoughtful and personal gift, and the ability to engrave with a message of your choice (up to 25 characters) means that you can really show how well you know someone, and just how compatible you really are.

The Hersey & Son Zodiac charms can be bought on their own for £40, or you can use the online necklace builder to change the necklace chain length, and add birth stone and initial charms of your choice. All charm combinations are possible. You can even have two zodiac signs on the same chain, perhaps with the ampersand symbol in between to mark a strong friendship or relationship.

You can learn more about the wide range of necklaces at Hersey & Son over on their website.

Want to win your own Zodiac Pendant from Hersey & Son??

Head over to my INSTAGRAM page for your chance to win a personalised pendant of your own worth £70! The giveaway post can be found here.

Our standard giveaway terms and conditions apply. Giveaway opens 7th July 2019 and ends 11.59pm on the 14th July 2019. UK entrants only. To enter, participants must like both accounts and comment with their answer to the question. You may also wish to tag a friend who would like to enter too (optional). Winner will get to chose their zodiac sign charm, letter charm and birth stone as per their own preferences.


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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