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After 6 long months, we’ve only gone and done it. Whilst our war with COVID-19 is far from over, in just over a weeks time (for the majority of the United Kingdom at least), our children are heading off back through the school gates and returning to semi normality – uniform, packed lunch, formal education and most importantly the social interaction with other children that they have been craving for so long. No more home schooling, no more attempting to explain fractions using gummy bears, no more guilt for telling your children to sshhh whilst attempting to juggle work calls and childcare, no more 20,000 exclamations of ‘Can I have a snack’ during your working day.

I am so proud of how so many parents have coped during this period. If you’d have asked me at the start of lockdown whether I’d have survived 6 MONTHS at home with my children without the support of grandparents, days out or holidays I’d have probably laughed hysterically before pouring myself a large glass of wine. It’s been bloody tough at times, but we’ve done it – we got through it, and if anything, its shown that we are far more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, and that the jobs they said could NEVER be done from home – well it’s quite clear that the majority bloody well can.

Most of all however I am proud of my girls. I am proud that despite this emotional upheaval in their lives, they’ve adapted to having their world turned upside down, they’ve found the positives of staying at home with their uncool parents, they’ve spent time outdoors, they’ve played together, they’ve explored places we’d never found before, and bar the odd scrap here and there (ok, here, there and everywhere), they’ve come out pretty unscathed on the whole.

We should all be so proud of our babies for coping with what’s been let’s face it, difficult for even us adults to comprehend let alone the children. Their lives changing overnight from everything they’ve ever known; and getting through it with a smile on their faces.

lockdown graduate certificate

So to celebrate the back to school and being a Lockdown Graduate 2020, I have created a FREE Printable for you to download.

You can simply print this off (if of course you have any ink left!) and personalise with your child / children’s names to say congratulations for getting through lockdown with resilience and bravery.

If your children are anything like mine, this little treat will make them feel really proud and remind them what a great job they have done!


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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