How To Swap Your Daily Habits For More Sustainable Versions

*This is a collaborative post
We all have daily routines that we all carry out without thinking. Whether it’s your afternoon smoke break or picking up plastic bags at the supermarket, we all have habits that are harmful to the environment. By making small changes to these daily routines we can create more eco-friendly versions of the things we love.
Using Recyclable Bags Instead Of Plastic
By taking a tote bag with you every day, or investing in reusable bags, you can avoid using plastic bags that land in landfill sites and clog up our environment. However, it’s important to use these bags regularly, as many people view tote bags as fashionable so will buy them but not use them, causing valuable resources to be used ineffectively.
Buying A Refillable Water Bottle
You go to the supermarket, you buy a bottle of water, you throw the bottle away. Every day you might do this even a couple of times without thinking too much about it. But buying a refillable water bottle will inevitably save you money, be far more environmentally friendly than all those water bottles, and additionally keep your drink cooler for longer. Do the same with hot drinks and buy a thermos to reuse again.
Eco-Enhance Your Daily Vices
Everyone has their one (or more) weakness, but these aren’t always environmentally sustainable. If you have a tendency to buy a chocolate bar once a day, avoid buying these and switch to pre-prepared tupperware box snacks, like home-baked cookies to get your junk-food fix. Likewise with smoking. Rather than using standard cigarettes, did you know you can get e-liquids? You can still enjoy your daily vices, but with a positive, environmentally friendly twist.
Don’t Keep Buying New Clothes
Do you have a tendency to buy a new top every time you have a loose thread or torn seam? Rather than shopping, try learning a new skill and bust out the needle and thread.Take out your daily online shopping habits and apply this to other items, too. If something is slightly broken, try to fix it with superglue or even enlist a handy relative to teach you some repair techniques
Turn Off The Tap
When you’re brushing your teeth, it’s so easy to leave the tap running. But turning it off in between brushing can cut up to 13% of your energy bill. Leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth is the same as flushing 8 pounds of water down the drain. Turning the tap off will maintain water conservation and reduce your carbon footprint. Try to do the same when washing your dishes as well to conserve your money and help the planet.
Changing these little things you do daily will help you create a more sustainable lifestyle that will ultimately reduce landfill waste, plastic usage and improve water conservation if everyone did it. Why not pass these tips on to friends and see your sustainability circle grow this 2020.