Hump Day Linky

Introducing Humpy Day Linky – our new mid-week linky to celebrate Wednesday being ‘Hump Day’ – and that it’s all down hill to the weekend from here!
The rules of the Hump Day Linky are VERY simple!!!
- The Linky will be open every WEDNESDAY ONLY, from 9am until midnight.
- You can link up to two posts each week – anything from Parenting and Lifestyle bloggers goes, so the topic is entirely up to you!
- Please add the Hump Day Linky badge to your posts or on to your side bar using the code below.
- Please comment on the Host’s post, and at least 2 other posts in the linky, one of which should be the post immediately before yours. Please use the hashtag #HumpDayLinky in your comments.
- Please tell the world using social – if you tweet me @realmumreview I will share your posts! 🙂
- Each week, I will share my two favourite posts from the week before.
I hope to see some of you there when we open our doors for the first time tomorrow!!! 🙂
Here’s to a Happy Hump Day!
