Instant Pick Me Ups for Mums

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In recent months, I have come to accept that self care is pretty crucial to my happiness. Being used to putting everyone else first and failing to look after myself, I’ve come to realise that self care isn’t at all selfish, but actually quite the opposite. As a Mum, you could go so far as to argue that self care holds even more importance than it did before you had children, because if you don’t find time to adequately look after yourself, how can you possibly be expected to effectively look after any one else?
It hasn’t come particularly naturally to me, but I am finally becoming far more aware of the things that make me happy and the small things I can do to give myself a little pick me up when the going gets tough.
Here are 8 instant pick me ups for Mums, that in my personal experience can have a big impact on your mood, your happiness levels and your overall wellbeing. They may written down in isolation sound a little trivial or obvious, but trust me, it’s amazing how quickly some of these things can give you an instant boost after a busy day at work, tough day of toddler tantrums or after yet another bad nights sleep.
- Matching underwear
I wouldn’t describe myself as body confident. I have far more curves than I would like to mention and am carrying more weight than I should, and therefore it could be quite easy for me to focus on the parts of my body I would like to change. I am working on eating healthier and moving more (both self care initiatives in their own right) but in the meantime, it’s amazing what some high quality underwear can do for your mood. Not only do I feel more feminine and sexy in matching underwear, but it helps me focus my energy on the parts of my body that I do like, with a good fitting bra enhancing my curves and flattering my shape.
- I like warm hugs…
And Mike, in case you’re reading – I don’t mean that kind of hug. Just a normal snuggly, squidgy, protective, supportive hug. It doesn’t really matter who with (although ideally someone you know – hugging strangers is unothodox and sometimes frowned upon!). Having a hug at the end of a long day and just a little bit of reassuring physical contact can immediately help calm you down and help you relax.
- A touch of self care…
From a eye brow pluck to an application of fake tan, there are lots of small things you can do that can have an immediate effect on your overall wellbeing and mood.
- Dance like no ones watching…
For an immediate pick me up you can’t beat a bit of Mum dancing. The “dance like no ones watching” type of dancing. The dancing that should you be in public, would almost certainly be deemed to be highly embarrasing by your kids, and the type of dancing where in your head, you ARE Beyonce, you CAN shake your booty just like Arianna Grande and you have completely perfected your Shakira style wiggle. Just Dance is my go to when I need an instant mood boost, and is great for building up the step down pretty rapidly too!
- Off for a Stroll
Walking (or even a light jog) is a great way to get out and clear your mind, and if you get the chance to even have a quick five minute walk round the block at the end of a hectic day, it can do wonders to help you gain perspective, get some balance and wash away any of your frustrations, anxieties or concerns. Exercise is also a fantastic way to boost your energy levels and help you sleep better too, which in itself can improve your mood the following day.
- Flower Power
As I have got older, I appear to have developed a new found appreciation for flowers. Whether its taking snaps at my local bluebell woods, taking in the beauty at the confetti fields every year, wondering through the flower beds at my local National Trust or even arranging a nice bright colourful bouquet on my living room table, introducing some floral into my daily routine definitely helps my mood.
- Laughter is the best medicine
This is so true for me. Laughter – whether it be sitting watching my favourite episodes of Friends (of which I have many), or listening to the girls playing together, the sound of laughter has an immediate calming effect. I defy anyone not to smile when the girls break out into fits of giggles, and Ross and the failed spray tan makes me howl with laughter every single time.
- Nostalgia
A proud child of the 80s, nothing brightens my mood more than a bit of nostalgia, I love looking at old photographs from my childhood, reminiscing about memories with my Mum and family holidays, or laughing at the size of our tea and the neon shellsuits.
- Scrub in the Tub
A rare treat, is a quiet calm bath – alone, with no little fingers under the door, no rubber ducks or bath toys, and high quality beautifully scented bubble bath. If I am particularly lucky, Mike will take the girls outside or to the park, and I can put some music on, shut the door, and lounge around till my fingers go wrinkly. Bliss.
What are your instant mood boosting pick me ups?