You know you’re watching too much children’s TV when….

This is a collaborative post
Ok I admit it. I watch too much children’s TV. When myself and my partner spent hours searching for the best deals on televisions, this wasn’t quite what we had in mind. Gone are the days of Game of Thrones and The Sopranos, only for them to be replaced with Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and Shimmer & Shine. However recently I’ve started to worry that I’m over thinking things…
You know you watch too much children’s tv when…
- You worry that the relationship between Mayor Goodwin and her pet chicken is somewhat unhealthy….
- You wonder where Ryder’s parents are and whether being raised by a family of talking pups would be classed as somewhat of a safeguarding issue.
- You go to bed with ‘pup pup boogie’ song going round your head on repeat. This or the equally annoying Bing bong song from Peppa Pig.
- You wonder what exactly the words are that Shimmer and Shine are singing, but hear the words ‘boobs are Amay-ay-ay-aze. The song has now become your breast feeding mantra.
- You start to worry about Miss Rabbit, who is quite clearly breaching the Working Time Regulations nor taking adequate rest breaks in between her various different types of employment. HR hat is firmly concerned on this one.
- You find yourself quoting ‘if you jump in muddy puddles…..’ before every single visit to the park, then curse Peppa and her stupid hobby when wiping mud out of your child’s eyes, mouth and nose.
- You find yourself wondering how much the Milkshake presenters get paid, and whether it is enough to compensate for the fact that their cheek muscles must be in a permanent state of spasm from too much smiling. You think you see a glint of sadness behind Derek’s eyes, and worry that his friends may be picking on him in the pub.
- You leave for work 5 minutes later than you should because you secretly want to know whether Noddy solves his secret mission. You then wonder on the drive to work when exactly it was that he became a secret agent.
- You sing along to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme tune before muttering something along the lines of ‘changed since my day’ ‘nothing wrong with the original’ and ‘hmph’
- You pay an obscene Amount of money for Sky Q to enable you to record 7 channels at a time and then realise the majority of your planner is filled with re runs of peppa pig, Disney movies and the occasional episode of angelina ballerina.
- You *may* have forced your child to watch Tom Hardys Bedtime story episodes more times than strictly necessary, despite the story being ‘a bit boring’ and your child begging to watch another.
- You cannot hear anything other than the words ‘sack and crack’ when the Zack and Quack theme tune starts to play. You then wonder whether this choice of name was intentional to keep parents everywhere entertained.
Are you guilty of watching more children’s tv than you should?? What other signs have you seen?
Oh goodness, I know the feeling. My niece is obsessed with both My Little Pony and Paw Patrol, so whenever she has been over I have the theme tunes just going round and round in my head for hours. And about the kids tv presenters- no one can be that happy, surely! They must be getting paid a fortune, you’re right!
I swear, I’ve had pup pup boogie in my head for DAYS!!
Lol, glad I’m not the only one thinking about the Mayors relationship with the chicken. Damn I’ve got the pup pup boogies song in my head now, opsy.
Haha yes! I have had 13 years of kids tv and I have literally watched so much of it I feel I could recite at least 500 different episodes!! Crack and sack made me laugh, I do that too!
This is too funny and relatable in a way. My nephew used to watch the teletubbies an awful lot, he also loved Harry Potter’s Prisnors of Azkabhan, I knew the words to the movie with the amount of times he had watched it!
I will confess…I am a HUGE fan of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and have my fair share of animated movies and TV series.
I remember sharing one episode of Peppa Pig with a work colleague not so long ago! Don’t we all love children’s programmes?! 🙂
As as I don’t have kids I don’t get subjected to Kids TV but I’m sure I’d be engrossed too if I did x
Haha these are brilliant! I think I have watched all of the peppa pigs with my kids
Haha oh dear it sounds like a lot of childrens TV has been watched, I guess I should be glad that isn’t a problem I have.
We love a bit of bedtime stories with Tom Hardy too! 😉 My mummy calls In the Night Garden… The Nightmare Garden!
It sneaks upon you when you least expect it, even years later. I found myself humming the theme tune to Lazytown the other day after almost 10 years.
Haha I don’t have this problem, as I do not have kids, but when I go to my friends I hear the childrens channels blasting out 🙂 x
I love the Thomas the Tank Engine heme song! So cute! And I normally watch more Hey Duggee then them #humpdaylinky
Ha Ha, very funny. I love it. Yes, Miss rabbit has got a very heavy workload! #HumpDayLinky
My son hasn’t started watching TV yet but I know I’ve got this ahead of me… I did find myself singing The Wheels on the Bus when I was home alone the other day. #HumpDayLinky
Hahaha what a great post – I can so relate to this… my little brother is 4 and we always have children’s tv on.
I’ve really limited my 7 month old to a hour a day, just when I’m trying to get bits and pieces down but I know how hard it now to get children away from the screens. I am forever singing along to Paw Patrol! I did notice that the town certainly relies on a kid far too much to save the day!
Haha, I’ve done so many of these! I’ve found myself discussing the plot of some shows with other parents 😀
Hahaha I absolutely loved this post and genuinely have been laughing out loud. The “sack and crack” comment had me in stitches! x
Ha ha this is so funny, I often find myself getting distracted by CBeebies!!
Been smiling upon reading this post. Can’t imagine myself when I have my own kids in the future. hahaha Sometimes I kept humming and even singing when I heard a children song.
This made me howl laughing – I’ve had that exact same thought about Ryder!!
Hahahaha that is exactly what I do every time I hear the Thomas the Tank theme tune! And it has changed so much,makes me sad.
I sincerely hope Mayor Goodwin and her chicken are doing ok hahah! I’m sure all parents can relate to this xD
Haha it’s all we do watch in this house! H x
This is so funny, I don’t have kids so don’t really watch kids tv but I did get offended when they changed the Toys R Us tune
Haha that’s a fun post. I’ll be soon getting on the children’s TV too 😉
I’m glad I’m not the only one who picks apart the plots of kids TV shows! #humpdaylinky