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Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter Micro Scooters REVIEW

Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter Micro Scooters REVIEW

AD – This post is in collaboration with Micro Scooters. Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter gifted for review

Over the last year in particular, myself and my family have been making a real effort to get outside more, being incredibly thankful for the great outdoors and the freedom that it has given us during lockdown. With two young children, getting outside as a family has also really helped us to stay fit and active. Since the schools went back in January, we have been making a conscious effort to travel to school more sustainably, opting for a more eco friendly school run over our previous commutes in the car. The biggest challenge has been trying to get Neve to master peddling on a bike and up until recently she couldn’t be trusted to steer properly on a kids’s scooter either.

We were recently sent a Micro Scooters Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter to review with the girls and I can honestly say it has completely revolutionised our school run! This is the first scooter we have had (of a few!) where Neve can steer unassisted and we are now able to scoot to and from school. A journey that would have taken over half an hour to walk door to door on foot (with Neve moaning about her legs getting tired) takes just 15/20 minutes on the scooter.

Here’s what you need to know about the Micro Scooters Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter:

Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter

Key Features of the Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter

A step up from the Mini Micro, the Maxi Micro Scooter Deluxe is a fully customisable bright and appealing scooter suitable for ages 5-12 years. It has a maximum rider weight of 50kg and rider heights of between 110cm and 152cm.

Key features of the Maxi Micro Scooter Deluxe include:

  • An anodised stem protecting against the weather and everything little ones can throw at it!
  • Unique silicone moulded footplate with superior grip points
  • An intuitive learn to steer design which enables children to learn to navigate quickly and easily.
  • Adjustable handlebars that grow with your child and that are super easy to adjust
  • The Maxi Micro Scooter Deluxe is designed to grow and adapt with your child as they get bigger
  • 3 wheels for the ultimate durability and stability.

You can see the Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter in action over on our reels here:

What is the difference between the Micro Mini and the Micro Maxi?

Both the Mini Micro and the Maxi Micro have the innovative lean to steer mechanism but the Maxi has a larger footplate, larger handlebar and weighs more for additional stability with older children. The Micro is recommended for children aged 3-5 years where as the Maxi for slightly older children aged 5-12 years.

Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter

Our Experience of the Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter

The Micro Scooters Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter has been a huge hit with both of my girls. Super easy to assemble and with the ability to easily alternate and readjust the handlebars, we have been able to use this with both girls by simply adjusting to suit their heights.

Compared to other scooters we have had, the quality of the Maxi Micro Deluxe is super high. Its extremely light weight and easy to carry, has a really clever break at the back and the three wheels really gave Neve the additional confidence when scooting at speed. With thick rubber handlebars for extra grip, a large base plate with rubber grip pads and a really really intuitive lean to steer approach, this was the first (and only!) scooter than Neve has mastered within minutes of stepping on. Previously she would verge off into grass or the edge of the pavement and have to realign the scooter before she continued – not anymore!

The Maxi Micro Deluxe is available in 7 different colours so you can pick whichever colour suits your child’s preferences and  personality best.

They retail at £124.95 and come with a 2 year warranty for additional piece of mind.

Are Micro Scooters worth the extra cost?

In my opinion YES. We have had scooters before but Neve has never been able to steer and navigate as efficiently as she can on this one – the steering feels somehow much more intuitive and I think the solid grip on the base board means she is far more secure and fixed in place when on the move. We have also found that cheaper models tend to get damaged or rust quite easily, where as the Micro Scooters with their iodine’d poles are really built to last –  withstanding the weather and coping better when being put through their paces!

The fact they grow with your child and are built to last for me is a real positive and I think comparing to other scooters we have had – the phrase you get what you pay for definitely seems to apply!

Additional Micro Scooter Accessories

As well as the scooters themselves, Micro Scooters offer a huge range of Helmets and accessories with complimentary designs including baskets, bells and ribbons.

The Helmets come in a huge range of designs but this flamingo design was an obvious choice for my girls. When commuting to and from school, keeping the girls safe and secure but also making sure they can be clearly seen is a real must – and these bright bold colours really stand out!

Our other scooter accessories include these adorable ribbons which Neve absolutely fell in love with. Not only do they look stunning and bright, they blow in the wind which gives the illusion of her going super fast even when she’s doing a steady scoot – I’m sure in her imagination she feels like some kind of super hero!

Maxi Micro Deluxe Scooter

Want to join them?

If you want to join your children on the school run, then why not get yourself an adult scooter too? Micro Scooters offer a fab range of Adult Scooters (non electric) which are safe and legal to use on the school run with your child.

We were sent the Micro Scooter Suspension Scooter (which you can check out this and the other Adult’s Scooter products here).

With an easy to fold mechanism for portability (making it ideal for work commutes and office storage too!) The Micro Suspension scooter has both front and rear suspension, allowing you to navigate easily over bumps and dips in the road without feeling the impact of every single movement in your back and legs. Even on the roughest of terrains, this allows for a much smoother journey. With large wheels for added stability. Erin and I have had great fun scooting out together at the weekends!

You can see the full range of micro scooter products at

*We were sent two scooters for the purpose of this review, however as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own* 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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