Micro Toys – Toy Box Collectibles REVIEW

Ad – Micro Toys Collectible were gifted for review
Like most children their age, my girls get real enjoyment from collecting things, opening up surprise reveal / blind bag toys and ticking things off collector sheets! As such, when we first heard about Micro Toy Box – collectible micro toys and miniature versions of some of the favourite toys from my own childhood and beyond, I knew they would be a big hit with Erin & Neve!
We headed to our local Smyths Superstore to check them out ‘in the wild’ and Neve picked her favourite box from the selection on the shelves. Here’s what you need to know!

What are Micro Toy Box Collectibles?
Having recently hit our stores as a brand new micro toys for Autumn / Winter 2021, Micro Toy Box collectibles are micro miniature replicas of the toys I remember fondly growing up. These tiny little versions of classic toys are perfect for dolls houses, creative play and role play between siblings – my girls absolutely love creating their own play worlds and these mini toys made a great addition to their doll’s playroom!
Series 1 of the Micro Toys Collectibles comes with over 50 different toys to collect and are available in packs of 5, 10, 15 and 20 making them ideal as both pocket money purchases and bigger gifts. Because the parts are quite small, they are recommended for children aged 8 and above. Neve is only 5, but was fully supervised during play.
Unlike some blind bag / surprise toys, The Micro Toys packs come with some of the items visible in the packaging, meaning that you can always see a few of the toys that come in the pack whilst the remainder are hidden in blind bags. This is a great way of helping children find the ones they are missing and avoid getting too many duplicates.
As with most collectable toys, some micro toys are rarer than others, meaning that children are most likely going to be seeking those ones to complete their collection!

Opening up our Micro Toys Collection
Neve absolutely love surprise reveals and blind bags, so I knew that opening the hidden micro toy box collectibles was going to be right up her street!

The bags were a bit tricky to open as they are quite stretchy and I will be honest, given that the toys themselves are already made from small pieces of plastic, it was a bit disappointing to see more single use plastic in the packaging.

I would’ve felt more comfortable if these had been paper based bags, which are not only easier to rip open, but better for the environment too. Lots of toys are shifting to paper at the moment, so this felt like a bit of a step backwards in terms of wasteful packaging.

Inside, we found some small collector card stickers and a big fold out collector sheet for ticking off the toys we found. It was great to see the full list of toys to collect, the majority of which I recognised and remembered from my youth!

Neve really enjoyed checking off the items we had found, including some toys that came in two different colours. Some toys are more common than others, so Neve was really chuffed that we managed to find a few rare items in our first few bags including Crocodile Dentist – I used to absolutely LOVE this!

All the Retro Emotions of Micro Toys
As a parent, it was lovely to see some retro versions of some of my favourite toys from my own childhood – items such as the original My Little Pony and the Glowworm which were much less familiar to the girls but made up a big part of my own childhood toy collection. I had fun telling the girls all about the Glowworm that I used to take to bed with my every single night, a nice warm glow emanating from its bottom! 🙂

The girls loved comparing the micro toys to their original items – some of which we had in the house including Monopoly, Uno, Barbies and My Little Pony toys.

You can really see the scale differences in these pics! 🙂

Overall, The Micro Toy Collectibles are really cute – I would say they are best suited to slightly older children as per the recommended age 8+, not only because of their size, but due to the fact that they could otherwise easily get lost of discarded in the house. If your child has a dolls house and can use them to actually play with after opening, this would add to the longevity of the toy and stop them from just being about the big reveal!
Micro Toy Box collectibles are available now in Smyths Toys – go check them out!