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Moving Into A New Home? 3 Things You Need To Do First

Moving Into A New Home? 3 Things You Need To Do First

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Moving into a new home is always cause for excitement – new experiences, new people, new opportunities, and many other things to look forward to. While most people consider packing and unpacking as the main tasks to complete, you need to take care of loads of other things. So, are you getting ready to move into a new home for the first time? Consider this your ultimate moving checklist and take care of these things first. 

  • Inspect your new home

It makes sense first to check out your new home before you move in. It makes even more sense to inspect your home before you decide to purchase or rent it in the first place, but better late than never. Walk around your home and take note or inspect all requested and agreed on repair works to ensure they have all been completed to your satisfaction. Also, make sure that everything promised or included in the house sale is available in the house. Finally, check to ensure that all locks, switches, fixtures, outlets, etc., are all in perfect working condition. If you notice any issues with your sales contract, you have to contact your real estate agent or seller immediately. 

  • Transfer your utilities

Before you move into your new home and settle down, take the time to set up all your physical utilities, from your electricity connection to your water and gas supply. Depending on the location of your new home, you may or may not have to rely on the same company or utility provider. Although most physical utility providers often offer timely services, the earlier you notify them, the better. If you have to rely on the same utility company, be sure to inform them ahead of time about your move. If you have to look for a new service provider, be sure to do so and rest assured that everything is working before you move in. But you’re renting your new home; ensure that your landlord has that sorted out before you move in.

  • Notify others

Another thing you need to do before you move in is to notify all the important people in your life about your new location. From your colleagues and employer at work to your bank and postal service, take the time to inform them about your move and make your new address available where possible. If you want to invite some friends over for a housewarming, you might want to check out some housewarming gift ideas for the occasion. 

  • Locks and keys

You can never be too sure how many keys to your new home are still floating around, especially if you are not the house’s first occupant. Another thing you need to do before you settle in is changing all locks and keys for security reasons. The previous occupants could still have the old keys, and the last thing you want is to share the keys to your new home with people you don’t even know. 


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