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Re-Inventing your Home Office with Wall Art

Re-Inventing your Home Office with Wall Art

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Now more than ever, we are spending a lot more time at home. After sitting working within the four walls of my three bed semi since the beginning of March, it’s amazing how much I’ve noticed about my living space that I’d like to change.

From the boring colour scheme and the bland walls, to the curtains and blinds that could almost certainly do with a bit of a refresh; it feels so much more obvious now; having spent so much more time in its company than I would have under normal circumstances.

When we moved into this house, I never expected one room would become an almost permanent home office, and as such; I never really worked to create a space in which I’d be happy to sit for hours on end! With working from home now likely to be a fairly long term arrangement, I’ve recently started thinking about the steps I could take to create a home office that I’d actually enjoy spending time in.

Introducing Wall Art

One things for certain, when we decorated our home we certainly went for the neutral colours. Pale greys, whites, creams and magnolias. Don’t get me wrong. They’re all non offensive, all clean and all fresh looking, but they’re also all a little…. well – boring. During the recent lockdown, Mike and I have been looking at ways to add some colour and personality to our rooms by introducing wall art.

One sure fire way to personalise your home office space is to introduce some wall art and the opportunities of how to do this are fairly endless. From framed art prints, typographic style inspirational quotes, illustrations, paintings or even tapestries, there are so many ways to add some personality to your walls, whether it be via a single large print or a gallery wall with a selection of your favourites.

Fine Art America is the world’s largest art marketplace and have been helping artists sell wall art and home decor since 2006, linking up with hundreds of different artists, photographers, graphics designers, illustrators and iconic brands, meaning customers have literally thousands of wall art options to choose from! Mike and I were both really keen on their tapestries, which are really quite a unique way to give a room some character and warmth, whilst also expressing our personality and adding colour and texture to an otherwise plain or block wall colour.

We’ve been browsing through the huge range of lightweight, microfiber wall tapestries, each of which comes with hemmed edges and can be easily secured and hung with nails and/or thumbtacks.

Other Benefits of Wall Art

Here are some other reasons you might want to consider adding wall art to your home:

  • Adding wall art to your room creates a focal point, drawing attention (and conversation) to something other than your desk or workspace (which if you’re anything like me, isn’t always the calm, organised workstation that you may see on the instagram grid!
  • Art work can also evoke particular feelings, including providing a pick me up when you’re feeling blue, calm you when you’re feeling stressed and motivate you when at times you feel like nothing is going according to plan. Art work can be grounding, and help you regroup and refocus.
  • Art work can help set a colour scheme for your workspace – and can be a great excuse for buying coordinating stationery, desk accessories and room decor. It would be rude not to now wouldn’t it.

We’re yet to decide on our final piece (finding one we both agree on is the next challenge), but one things for sure, I will finally have something more exciting to look at that the hairline cracks in my plaster!

Are you working from home? How have you brightened up your home office space? 


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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