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Restoration Project – Sash Windows

Restoration Project – Sash Windows

#AD As you know, I love a good renovation project, having worked with Mike on a few myself. I love the idea of moving into a period property and making the space our own, but one of the biggest problems period properties face in their renovation is the issue of how to handle the sash windows sympathetically without ruining the balance and traditional look of your property. Here I will share some hints and tips on how you can potentially restore your original sash windows or replace them with modern double glazed sash windows that look exactly the same as the originals.

My property is cold and I want to upgrade my existing sash windows, how do I avoid ruining the interior look?
One of the most sensible ways to upgrade your existing sash windows is to install a double glazed unit into the original sash. This is only possible on sashes that are over 35 mm thick. This is because the depth of the double glazed unit as a minimum would be 14mm. It just
this simply doesn’t leave enough timber depth, and can structurally weaken your sash windows.

You could actually have a Slimline unit which is 10mm, but the problem with that is they are not all that efficient and they break down quite easily. Given that they almost double the price of traditional Pilkington low-e double glazed units, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to go with this option. The other problem causes the manufacturing process, when you only have a 4 mm air gap, it was typically known that the two panes of glass could touch each other on cold days, and that would result in a white spot in the middle of the unit.

Sash window repair: a simple way to keep the elegance of your period property.
Sash window repair is the ideal way to keep the interior the look of your period property perfect. Because sash windows that are single glazed and originally look really slender and pretty, it’s the perfect solution to maintaining the interior look. Even if your sash windows are rotten there’s plenty that can be done to improve how they look.

Most common sash repairs include sash window sill replacement, lower rail replacement, and overhauling and draught proofing. This includes in replacing the sash cords where necessary. On occasion it might be necessary to also replace pulleys. Refurbishing the windows in this way gives you the opportunity to restore the property to its former glory and because draught proofing systems are extremely effective it means that you can upgrade the quality and ambience of your property too, keeping in the heat, and keeping OUT the cold. Pretty important when you have a young family at home like we do!

Don’t be concerned by the fact that your sash windows are looking tired. It’s quite clear the sash windows have lasted over 100 years and they’ll keep going much longer if you keep them painted. Maintenance is the key to sash windows lasting. New modern UPVC windows
don’t last anywhere near as this!

Which is better sash window repair or new double glazed sash windows??
It’s a difficult equation because if you like the look of your original sash windows then removing them doesn’t make any sense at all and is almost contradictory. The problem is if it’s cold then you’re looking for alternative warmth options where do you go?

Draught proofing systems can have a significant impact on the overall ambience and comfort of your property. Ultimately though, double glazed sash windows are far more efficient and if you select the right sash window company then you’ll find that you can actually keep most of the look of an original sash window too. The only problem with double glazed sash windows is the cost, so there’s quite a lot to think about when refurbishing or repairing original sash windows to maintain the interior look of your period property.

I would suggest carefully researching the subject before taking the plunge and going for full replacement to upgrade
the interior of your property.

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