REVIEW – Mix It Magazine

Erin loves magazines. I am yet to meet a little girl who doesn’t. I remember as a child always needing to be dragged away from that aisle in the supermarket. The aisle where they have all the colourful children’s magazines with a free treat on the front, perfectly laid out at child height to grab their attention. As a girl, I would often try and sneak one in the shopping trolley when Mum wasn’t looking but if I was a good girl, Mum would treat me to one on a Saturday night as my weekend reward (and some much needed peace and quiet for her too no doubt!).
Erin is no different and history is most definitely repeating. Nanny Dee often treats Erin to a magazine when she goes there on a Wednesday, and I love watching her little face lit up in excitement when she shows me what treat she has got from the cover!
We recently heard about a brand new magazine called Mixit magazine from DJ Murphy Publishing – a totally unique multi-character magazine for girls aged 4-9.
Featuring all the hottest new brands such as Shopkins, DC Superhero Girls, Lego Friends and other much loved classics, this interactive and fun-packed magazine includes stories, quizzes, cartoons, things to make, bake and do, collectable posters, games and more! Plus there are FREE branded cover gifts and branded stickers with every issue!
So what makes Mixit so special compared to the other magazines? It’s a toy and digital-led girls’ magazine, with a strong focus on collectables and ‘unboxing’ – which if you have seen my YouTube channel you will know is right up Erin’s street! It exclusively features key influencers and box-openers from the vlogging community, Emily Tube and Creative Celeste – what better magazine for a blogger’s daughter???
We were sent the first two issues to find out Erin’s verdict.
Our Experience
We were sent the first two editions of Mixit – Issue 2 is available now.
The magazine retails at £3.65 and is available at most good newsagents and supermarkets. As with most magazines of this nature, the price isn’t cheap, however there was plenty in each issue to keep her entertained.
Inside featured a variety of activities including puzzles, colouring in pages, posters, art and craft ideas, and a story with pictures which was really fun to read together, and as an adult, probably my favourite part of the magazine.
The free gifts included were really fun and good quality, with a Miraculus dancing ribbon and lip gloss in Issue 1 and a Nail Art Set and 2 packets of stickers, Disney Princess and Shopkins in Issue 2.
Erin loved seeing familiar characters such as LOL dolls, Barbie, The Mr Men, Shopkins and Puppy Surprise.
Her favourite parts of the magazine were the more interactive parts such as the stickers and colouring in pages. At a recent trip to a restaurant the magazine kept her really well occupied whilst waiting for her food; preventing fidgeting, resorting to the ipad, or god forbid… singing (let’s not go there again after Waitergate).
The Nail Set that came with Issue 2 (out now) was a real hit – and Erin enjoyed having a little pamper session with Daddy – having her nails filed, painted and having the gems popped on top for extra sparkle. With her cousins birthday party the following day, she was pleased as punch with the finished effect! 🙂
For me, the best part of Mixit magazine?? The fact you could remove the free gifts without tearing the cover!!! I can’t tell you the number of magazines we have had where the first page is destroyed by removing the cellotape – with Mixit – the cover is a sheeny thicker paper, meaning that the tape peals off without leaving any damage! Hoooorah!
I have a feeling that we will be asked for Mixit again in the not too distant future. As a mini blogger in the making, the more her unboxing addiction is encouraged the better! 🙂 Issue 2 of Mixit Magazine is out now at all good retailers.
*Disclosure – This is a collaborative post*
I don’t think we’ve bought this one for Isabelle yet but it looks good. She will love all the goodies that you get on the front, which is how she decides which one to buy! #TriedTested
If this magazine has Lego Friends in it my daughter would love it too!