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Owleez Review – The Owl Toy that really flies!

Owleez Review – The Owl Toy that really flies!

#AD – Owleez Review sample

A hugely popular toy last Christmas was Owleez, the incredible interactive owl that children can teach how to actually fly – is still just as popular as it ever was, only now it can be secured for a much more reasonable price. We were lucky enough to be sent an Owleez toy flying bird to put through its paces and here’s our full Owleez review.

What are Owleez Flying Toys?

The Owleez toy is a fun adorable interactive owl- think a cross between a furby and a flying helicopter or drone and you wouldn’t be too far away from the reality of this fun flying toy with a difference.

With a cute little face and adorable giant colour change eyes that reflect his mood, children can nurture and care for their Owleez, as he responds to touch and motion.

Most importantly, and like nothing we have ever seen before, the Owleez toy also has the ability to really fly and if looked after properly, will actually spread its wings, lift up from his nest and fly across the room for up to 10 seconds at a time. The more you practice flying, the better the Owleez will get!

Where can I buy an Owleez toy?

Owleez retail at £44.99 and are available to buy at Amazon

Owleez flying owl toy

First Impressions in our Owleez Review

The girls were very excited when our Owleez pink flying toy arrived at home, having not seen anything quite like it before. Owleez comes packed in a box with a little blue nest with usb charger, a small berry food toy and an instructions sheet. The sheet is large in size and has visual representations of the Owleez instructions – both on the steps needed to encourage Owleez to fly and all the different eye moods and their meaning. As a parent, I found the Owleez instructions much better than a lot of other toys we have received, as unlike the usual huge sheets in 20 different languages and teeny tiny text, these sheets are easy for the children to follow too. If you’ve lost your Owleez instructions you can download them at Spinmaster.

The Owleez pink toy is very cute to look at – a small plastic bird in a bubblegum pink colour, he has a swirly blue design on the chest and blue fluff ‘feathers’ on the sides.

Before play you need to ensure that the Owleez toy is fully charged, and to do this you place Owleez in his little nest and plug it in to a usb charger plug – we used the iPhone plug and left her for a while to ensure he was ready to play. When the usb charger is not being used, it can be neatly tucked away in the base of the nest.

Owleez not flying?

Whilst it can be tempting to try and get started with the Owleez toy straight away, Owleez wont fly, may refuse to fly or wont fly very well if his battery is low, so as frustrating as it may be for the children to have to wait a little, this is definitely recommended to get the best out of the toy.

If your Owleez wont fly even when the battery is fully charged, check out the Spinmaster pages for Troubleshooting. Most cases we’ve heard about of Owleez not flying is due to the level of battery (which can drain fairly quickly).

Owleez flying owl toy

Looking after our Interactive Flying Owleez Owl Toy

The first part of playing with the Owleez toy is to look after his mood by paying close attention to his eye colour. Depending on what colour his eyes are, children need to complete certain movements, actions or touches to make Owleez happy. Some examples include:

Yellow eyes – If his is eyes are yellow then Owleez is hungry, and Erin found it hilarious when he made little munching sounds as the berries are pressed up against his nose.

Blue eyes – If his eyes turn blue, Owleez is cold, and he will make little shivery sounds too. To warm him up, children can press their hand against his forehead.

Red eyes – Look out for the red eyes, as this means your Owleez is sad, and he may even start to cry. To make him happy, children should pat his head until his eyes turn white.

Other interactive elements include making him burp, fall asleep and sing, with Owleez really getting into his happy little song if he is feeling particularly chirpy.

Owleez review - the flying owl toy

Teaching our Owleez Toy how to fly!

First things first, before you teach Owleez flying baby owl how to fly, you need to make sure that a) he is fully charged and b) that you have quite a bit of room around the owl itself – not too close to walls and with room above his head, as when he flies, he will go up and out. It’s also worth making sure you’ve read the Owleez instructions before you let your kids loose!

If your Owleez wont fly or isn’t sufficiently charged or in a good mood, he will stop half way through the take off and say no, followed by “wah wah wah”.

To get Owleez to fly when her eyes are white (ready to play), we lifted Owleez up and down a few times until he starts saying “weeeeee” and then a little trumpet sound is made to announce he is ready to fly!

Pop him back into her nest, and then step back and enjoy!

Owleez Review – Owleez Flying

I have to admit the whole family’s reaction to our Owleez pink first flight was pretty hilarious as we have never seen anything quite like it, particularly as she zoomed around the room! We all proper howled with laughter as watching it whizz across the room before crashing down to the floor with a bump was really funny to watch.

The preparation for the flight is really impressive, with Owleez neck opening up before his wings (propeller style) pop out and start spinning at speed. It is quite loud, and at first I think Erin was a little nervous, hiding behind the door not knowing quite what to expect!

When the propellers have reached full speed, up he pops and flew for a few seconds before came down to the ground with a bit of a bump!

Owleez starting to fly
Owleez review

I was a bit worried that Owleez may break as he does tend to have quite a few crash landings, however we have been practicing lots with Owleez, and despite being bumped, bashed and knocked a fair few times, he remains completely in tact and unharmed. He definitely appears to be quite robust. When he lands, he pops himself back together again with the propellers tucking back in to his chest.

Practice makes perfect

The Owleez instructions were easy to follow, but the results were mixed! Owleez instructions advise that the more you practice with Owleez, the better he will fly, but in our case, I have to be honest and say we have seen much of an improvement in his flying, with us having never reached the full ten seconds of flight. Despite this, the girls have found him hilarious, and have enjoyed showing friends and family their toy bird that can actually fly across the room.

At the original RRP off £49.99 Owleez is quite a big investment, however it is a very clever toy, with a number of interactive elements including the skill of flight. We had the Owleez pink for this Owleez review, however there are also white Owleez available.

Owleez review - starting to fly
Owleez instructions

Our Overall Owleez Review:

Pros of Owleez flying bird:

  • Pretty impressive that the bird actually zooms up and out as if it is really flying
  • Easy to follow visual instructions.
  • Cute and friendly interactive toy which can be nurtured and cared for.

Cons of Owleez flying bird:

  • You do need quite a lot of free space for the Owleez flying baby owl to fly, and in some modern family homes that might be easier said than done.
  • The Owleez flying baby owl does require a full charge and flying does appear to drain the battery quite quickly.
  • Practice is meant to make perfect, but we are yet to have got the full 10 seconds of flight and it is far less graceful than the advertisement we have seen on TV.

Owleez toys are available in all good toy stores now for £49.99. You can learn more about Owleez here. If you enjoyed this review you may also like our Luvabella review and our Paw Patrol Mission Cruiser Review.

*We were sent this Owleez review sample for the purpose of this review however as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.* 

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