Signs you may need help with your mobility

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Mobility issues can feel scary and often creep up on your when you least expect it. Anyone can suffer from mobility issues. As sadly they are indiscriminate and affect thousands of people.
Sometimes recognising that you need help can be a hard thing to do. Acknowledging a problem makes it real. However, fighting through the pain and making life difficult can often cause long-term problems.
Losing your independence can be a scary and lonely place to be however there are incredible facilities available to help you through. If you worry that you are losing your mobility and want to know if you relate to the warning signs, read on.
Missing social events
Often losing your mobility can have affected your confidence. As you lose your confidence the temptation to retreat and miss social gatherings becomes hard to ignore. Not attending social events can lead to social isolation. This is something that not only affects your physical wellbeing but your mental wellbeing as well.
If transportation is a worry, investing in a wheelchair accessible vehicle could be a smart choice. This gives you the option to go to the events you desperately want to attend and help you to feel a part of society again.
Difficulty walking or standing
If you are struggling with your mobility, standing and walking can seem like a tough challenge. Everyday tasks such as going to the kitchen for a cup of tea will seem like a marathon.
The problem is, the more you battle with your mobility, the more fatigued you will get. Consequently, the more tired you get the more mistakes you are likely to make whilst walking. So, whether you need a wheelchair or increase the number of bannisters in your home – ask for the help you need.
Loss of balance
Balance is something that goes hand in hand with mobility. Balance makes us walk and move with ease so, when that is compromised, it can make life extremely difficult.
Some indicators of a loss of balance are holding onto furniture for fear of falling or constantly fearing to trip over. However, loss of balance doesn’t need to be the end of your mobility. There are things to help, you just need to ask.
Frequent falls
Everyone takes a trip or a fall occasionally. However, if they become more frequent, it could be time for mobility assistance. Falling not only increases the risk of broken bones, internal bleeding, and concussion but, if you fall in your own home, you might not be able to reach help. So, you must get some help within the home.