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Signs You Need To Update Your Home’s Heating

Signs You Need To Update Your Home’s Heating

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An old heating system could be costing you unnecessary amounts of money in energy bills and repairs. In some cases, it could even be dangerous to continue using. By updating your home’s heating system, you can make it safer and more affordable to run. Below are a few signs that you need to update your home’s heating.

Your boiler is over 10 years old

Boilers tend to have an average life of 10 to 15 years. After 10 years, it’s likely that your boiler will be starting to see a reduction in efficiency. This could result in higher energy bills. Your boiler is also more likely to encounter a breakdown after 10 years. Frequent breakdowns could be a huge inconvenience – especially in the peak of winter when you really need your heating to work. Consider looking into a new boiler if your current one is over 10 years old to avoid any problems caused by wear and tear. 

You don’t have a smart meter

If you’ve still got a traditional meter, it could be worth upgrading to a smart meter. A smart meter automatically links up data with your energy provider so that you don’t have to do a manual reading. Most homeowners with smart meters end up saving money on their energy bills due to more accurate readings. Getting a smart meter often doesn’t require you to upgrade your boiler – you can usually just continue using the same boiler as before. Talk to your energy provider to find out more about getting a smart meter. 

Your home takes ages to warm up

Old heating systems can take a long time to heat up a home. In the process, you could be using up more energy, which could be leading to more expensive energy bills. If you’ve noticed that your heating is taking ages to warm up and you’ve got an old heating system, it could be time to upgrade it. Be wary that if you’ve made renovations to your home such as adding extensions or removing internal walls, this could be affecting the time it takes for your home to heat up and a new heating system may be necessary to accommodate the changes. 

Your boiler is producing unusual noises/smells

Your boiler may be in need of a replacement if you’ve noticed any unusual noises or smells. Such noises and smells could even be dangerous. In most cases, it’s worthwhile hiring a gas plumber to take a look at your boiler to see what’s going on. If the noises or smells are due to wear and tear, a plumber may recommend getting a new boiler.

Your radiators are rusty

Over many years, radiators can start to become corroded. This is usually a sign that they’re full of sludge and damaged – they’re unlikely to be as efficient at heating your home. Installing new radiators could be a good option at this point. The cost of getting your radiators repaired may not be worthwhile. Don’t just ignore the problem by painting over the rust. 


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