Simple Projects to complete this Spring

*This is a collaborative post*
Now that spring is here many of us are looking for ways to spruce up the home and make it feel like a fresh and clean space. Of course in addition to this, many of us are now in isolation due to COVID-19 and this makes home improvement a pretty good way to spend our time.
If you are at home at the moment and you are looking for some simple home improvement projects to try, look no further. We have some simple and helpful projects for you to do at home to ensure that your home and garden are looking their best for the summer.
Update the heating
Have you ever really looked at your radiators? If not, now is the time. Your radiates can have a bigger impact on the overall look and economy of your house, and you can save a lot of money on heating as well as have a more modern looking home by choosing to buy electric radiators. Take a look online and you’ll be surprised at the multitude of designs you can find.
Lick of paint
The easiest way to change the dynamic of a home without much money or time. If you have some spare time on your hands and you are looking for freshen up the space, get yourself a tin of paint and change the colour of the walls. This can be a fun exercise to do and you may be able to make the whole house feel modern and new within a day or two. You can also play around with new colour schemes and even simply choose a neutral theme of greys and whites so that you can change up the accessories easily every season.
Create a raised flower bed
The garden is the perfect place to be during the spring, and since you will be stuck at home for a few weeks being in the garden can be a good way to get some fresh air and exercise while staying safe. If you are looking for a fun gardening project to try, try making a raised flower bed. You’ll need a few pieces of wood and compost for this, and a raised bed can be ideal for things such as fruit and vegetables. To create a raised bed you will want to mark out a border and place the wooden planks into the border. Then, use compost to fill up to the top of the wooden border to make a bed that is raised from the lawn. Plant your favourite flowers or allotment plants here for a lovely display.
Clean the gutters
If you want to ensure the structural integrity of the home, make sure to clean out the gutters early in the spring and replace any guttering that is cracked. The gutters divert water away from the brickwork of the home and this means that you should clean out the gutters regularly. You can use a pipe cleaner to ensure that the downpipe is not clogged and ensure the gutter is dry.
Build decking
If you have access to some wooden decking, why not use this time to build yourself a lovely patio area for the summer? You can create a deck really easily and use a varnish to make the wood either a beautiful shiny colour or even a bright and bold colour such as yellow, purple, or blue.
Update the Siding
The siding of your house is something you might often take for granted but it is important to remember that during the winter the siding will take a bit of a beating from rain, wind, and other extreme weather. Take the time to fix the siding and update it to make the exterior of the house look and feel modern as well as making it structurally sound. It makes a big difference and will be something amazing for you to do.
Install french doors
One of the best things about having a house with a garden is being able to enjoy the sunshine during summer. You can take this one step further while you are stuck in the house and consider knocking through the back wall of the house and installing a french door to open up to the back. There is nothing better than engineered wood flooring leading to wide opening doors and plenty of fresh air – which will make the home feel brighter and more spacious and it provides a wonderful new feature for you in your home.
Check ventilation
Insulation is an incredibly important thing to have in your home and it will help to keep hot air in and stop it from escaping when you have the heating on. However, what balances out insulation is ventilation. The ventilation of the house is just as important as insulation as it allows fresh air to flow through the home and keeps humidity down to prevent dampness and mould. Check if you have enough ventilation throughout your home, and if not make sure you remedy this issue now before summer begins and the weather becomes even hotter.
Install skylights
Skylights can be a great feature to add on to your house and if you are looking for something that will brighten up the space in no time then this is it. Installing skylights in the kitchen or in tryout bathroom can be a super fun way to get some light into the house.
Update light fittings
As well as choosing to bring light into the house by installing skylights, another great method would be to upgrade the light fittings and bulbs you currently have in the house. Upgrading to natural light light bulbs will make a massive difference and changing to LED light fittings is always a great idea for you if you want to make a statement. It is a super easy change to make but it can make a big difference to the house as a whole.
Repair the roof
Your roof is the only barrier keeping rain away from the house and therefore it is super important for you to manage the roof and maintain it over time. The roof should always be kept secure and if you see any cracks or holes in the roof it is important for you to fix them as soon as you can. You can purchase shingles online which will allow you to maintain the health and strength of your roof over time and ensure that the roof keeps the elements away.
Clean the curtains
Now that you are stuck in the house for a number of weeks, it is time to look at those little jobs you always forget about during the year. One of those jobs is cleaning the curtains. We know that a lot of curtains are dry clean only, however sometimes on a delicate cycle you can get away with the machine. You could even decide to hand wash your curtains to make them clean and tidy and this will make a massive difference to the home.
Arrange the wardrobe
One great idea to do this spring while you are at home is rearrange the clothes in your wardrobe. If you have a lot of spring and summer clothes ready to be worn, take the time to place them at the front of the wardrobe or cupboards for easy access and move the chunky jumpers and jeans into the back for winter. You can also do this with your shoes and accessories. It will make life a lot easier for you and as well as this you’ll end up finding some clothes that you didn’t even know you had.