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Six Reasons to Book that Spa Break!

Six Reasons to Book that Spa Break!

I need a break. Scrap that – I need a spa break. I like to go on a spa day at least twice a year and right now, that spa day is long overdue. Not only is it a well earned day of adults only relaxation, but it is a great opportunity to refresh, revitalise, and make myself feel just a little bit more human. Surviving on very little sleep a night thanks to my sleep avoiding toddler, spa days are also a great chance to lie back, close my eyes and get some well earned rest. In just a few weeks time, myself and Mike are off for a couple’s spa – massages, facials, afternoon tea, jacuzzis and saunas, and I absolutely cannot wait.

This week is National Spa Week, and f you need any encouragement to book yourself that spa day, here are six reasons why you should:

Time to Talk – Whether you go for a spa day as a couple or as a small group of friends, spa days are a great way to reconnect with people you care about and have a good old catch up. I recently wrote Time for the Whole Story, about how as parents, your whole life seems to be little attempts at discussions, interrupted by a child asking a question, getting into a potentially dangerous situation or vying for your attention. As such when you go out with the children in tow, no matter how hard you try to have a proper conversation, you find you have lots of half ones instead. You get home having had lots of half stories, without knowing how the ending pans out. Spa days are a great opportunity to sit and relax around the pool and actually talk, catch up on the gossip, or chat about everyday stuff like Great British Bake off or trash TV. I have been on hen do spa days, girly catch up spa days, one on one spa days with close friends and couples spa days, and each one has offered real time to talk for which I have been extremely grateful

Time to Reflect – Life always seems to move to fast. School runs, work commutes, busy days in the office, dinner time, homework and bedtime and before you know it you haven’t had chance to process what has happened in the days gone by! Spa days are a great opportunity to spend some time on your own in a calm quiet space. Whilst your friends / partner are having their treatments, take a bit of time out of your day to lie, alone and just be. To pause and take a moment to think things over, figure out your thoughts and reflect on life. Its great for the soul. Spa days provide time away from the day to day, the chores and your day job, and allow you to unwind mentally as well as physically.

Switching Off – As someone who is online A LOT, spa days are a great opportunity to switch off the tech and become unreachable, even if just for a short amount of time. No laptops, no iPads, no wifi. Put the phone away in the lockers, turn it off and be present, in the moment, without the distractions of social media and email. Maybe even read a book – with actual pages! Spa day or otherwise, I need to do this more often.

Help you Sleep – As my regular readers will know, I currently survive on less than five hours sleep a night. As a result I can often be left feeling lethargic, groggy and grouchy. A spa day can have huge health benefits and not just in terms of your skin and muscles! Spending the day relaxing both mentally and physically can help the production of melatonin which helps regulate sleep patterns, meaning you’re far more likely to have a good nights sleep after spa day than after your normal day to day routine..

Prioritising Number One – I’m not sure about you, but when it comes to my list of priorities, “me time” comes pretty low on the list. I spend so long looking after other people, the kids, the house and the blog, that when it comes to looking after myself, that often gets put on the back burner. A spa day can encourage me prioritise myself guilt free, and embrace a little self indulgence. Who doesn’t love a pamper?

Scientific Benefits – Finally, Spa Days and massages in particular, help produce oxytocin, the feel good hormone similar to that you experience when breast feeding or holding your baby. It also helps the body release serotonin and dopamine, proven to increase feelings of affection, well being and calm.

If you’re looking to book that spa day for yourself or your loved one, check out the Indulgent Spa Days Smart box from Buyagift – with over 490 (yes FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY!) spa days and pampering treatments for two to chose from across the UK, you can be sure that where ever you are based, and what ever kind of a spa day you’re after, you can find one to suit your needs.

Like me, you’ve bloody earned your break, so sit back, relax and enjoy!

*This is a collaborative post* 






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