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Skin Saviours: Natural Ways To Boost Your Complexion

Skin Saviours: Natural Ways To Boost Your Complexion

*This is a collaborative post

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it plays a vital role in protecting your body. We often see images of flawless, glowing skin in magazines and social media feeds, but in reality, very few people have a perfect complexion. If you’re keen to nourish your skin and feel more confident, here are some of the best natural skin saviours.


It may sound obvious, but one of the best ways to make your complexion look brighter, clearer and more youthful is staying hydrated. Dehydration can cause the skin to become dry and brittle and it can also leave you looking and feeling tired and lethargic. Aim to take at least 2 litres of water on board per day. If you struggle to hit this target, carry a flask or a reusable water bottle around with you. If it’s a hot day, or you’re working out, you’ll need to replace lost fluids, so increase your intake accordingly. 

Natural skincare products and remedies

Whether you have healthy skin, or you’re prone to flare-ups of eczema or psoriasis, it’s beneficial to look for natural skincare remedies and products. If you take a moment to peruse bottles and pots on supermarket or pharmacy aisles, you’ll notice that most skincare products contain a vast array of ingredients, some of which are not derived from natural sources. If you have a skin condition or you have sensitive skin, search for products that are designed to nourish and shield the skin like those from Grahams Natural. Avoiding certain ingredients and buying organic lotions, serums and creams can help to improve the condition of the skin and prevent irritation. If you’re not sure which products to buy, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor for advice. 


Exercise is incredibly beneficial for your bones, muscles and vital organs, but it can also make your skin look more radiant. Being active improves circulation, and this ensures that essential nutrients reach the skin cells. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week for adults. To reach this target, you can include everything from taking the dog for a stroll and going for a run to doing a dance or spin class, going swimming or walking or cycling to work. 

Sun protection

There’s nothing quite like the feel of the sun on your skin. While limited exposure to the sun can be beneficial for vitamin D production, it is important to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Direct exposure to the sun can damage the skin, elevate the risk of skin cancer and accelerate the ageing process. If you’re going out on a bright, hot day, or you’re going on holiday, make sure you apply sun lotion. Use a high factor if you burn easily, and avoid the midday sun. It’s also advisable to look for specialist skincare products if you have sensitive skin, or you have a skincare condition. You might find that you react to some sun creams. 

Most of us long for smooth, soft, bright skin. If you’re keen to take steps to protect your skin and enhance your complexion, hopefully, these tips will prove helpful. 





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